March 19 - In -Service & Conference Week

A lot of doings on campus last week. The walk event was quite impressive. Regardless of anyone's opinion on the topic(s), I hope we can all agree that our students we thoughtful, respectful, and well organized. They spoke with clarity and eloquence. They showed both passion and compassion. And, they aren't done. There are more events being planned as I write. There will be an article on the event in the News and Citizen this week and there is currently a video on their website that's is entirely about our student event.

Quarter 3 Grading

Quarter 3 ends this week on Wednesday.
This link brings you to the Process for Submitting Grades slide show. 
- Due dates, etc are included in this link: - Quarter 3 Grading Timeline
- Maura will be in the library for support with both grading and Schoology questions:
       - Wednesday 2-4
       - following week TBD

Upcoming Events:

3/12 - Schoology Parent View Opened
3/19 - Best Practice 3pm Library PBL focus
Where am I ?
3/20 - TA Program of Studies Activity & Flex sign up
3/21 - Early Release - In-service
3/22 - Conferences
3/23 - LSSU In- Service PBL  work
     -  agenda
3/22& 23 - One Acts 7pm Auditorium
3/24 - One Act Festival
3/27-29 - SBAC Math 9th grade
3/29-31 - Newport Music Festival
4/2 - 4/6 - SBAC 9th grade literacy
4/3 - Art Show and Music concert 7pm
4/9 - Best Practice
4/14 - ACT test at PA during school day
4/16-20 - April Break
5/5 - SAT exam off campus
5/9 - AP Lit Exam
5/11 - AP Art Exam
5/14 - AP Biology Exam
5/15 - AP Calculus Exam
6/14 - Projected Graduation
6/19 - TUESDAY - Projected Curriculum Camp Start
8/20 - AUGUST IN- SERVICE begins

Flextime Reminders: 
As we gear up for Quarter 4 the use of flextime is going to become critical. Flextime will be a key opportunity for students below proficiency to practice and get support. Thus, please consider the notes below to help us all maintain a productive and positive flextime. Thanks!
  • Please take attendance promptly at the beginning of class. 
  • Please ask any students not on your roster to leave your space for their assigned room. If they are not scheduled, please ask them to schedule themselves and then go to that location. 
  • Please do NOT issue passes for the Gym, or Library. Students may go to other locations with a pass / permission from that teacher. A quick phone call is one way to check for permission. 
  • Please CALLBACK your students below proficiency - seek help from guidance if needed with scheduling
  • Please let the Office or Guidance know of any issues (including students not attending callback, or issues with space and scheduling) 

Schoolwide Happenings: 

Edward Habeck has advanced as the PA finalist who will take part in the Stowe TEDx event at the Stowe Performing Arts Center. The group started with 12 students interested in preparing a TEDx talk. They met several times the past months with Moira and a rep from TEDx. During the meetings they worked on their ideas, direction and composition. In the end there were only three students who felt prepared for competition: Brandi S, Edward, and John C. For the house contest (at PA) they each spoke from the heart and mind, for three long minutes, impressing all who came to listen. The event is sold out and takes place next Month. Thanks to Moira for all of your help making it happen.


Squint and you'll Annie in the middle.
Congratulations to senior Annie Keith who last Monday was named a Poetry Out Loud Finalist. That means, she was one of the top 10 in the state.  The event will be aired on Vt PBS March 29 at 7pm.

10th grader, Joe Dewan, was selected to represent PA and VT as the Congress of Future Science & Technology Leaders to be held late June in Boston.

Congrats to the Science Olympiad team for a strong performance at the state event:
Anatomy & Physiology silver - Adriana Cretu and Morgan Montminy

Astronomy silver - Joe Dewan and Zach Rodger

Astronomy bronze - Christi Pugh and Emily Lurvey

Disease Detectives bronze - Edward Habeck and Michael Delancey 

Dynamic Planet bronze - Keanna Kone and Eli Smith

Microbe Mission silver - Adriana Cretu and Morgan Montminy

Mousetrap vehicle gold - Eli Smith

Optics bronze - Christi Pugh and Tyler Dunham 

Rocks & Minerals silver - Annie Fishell and Caroline Merriam

Towers bronze - Tyler Dunham, Michael Delancey, and Olivia Anderson

State Champs!! 

That is Brnadi Small singing the anthem, in uniform, at the state semi-finals - the basketball teams gave our students and community quite a lot to cheer for this winter. 

Congrats to Matt and family!

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day

Happy Birthday: none for awhile...that I'm aware of?


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