March 10 - And then it was March

Cupid Shuffle Photo Booth

 These are quick notes for a short week. Check out the updates, dates and photos below to stay on top of things coming up. 

Coach Jones getting us ready!


Quote of the Week: 

“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.”   -Maya Angelou 


This Week's Link(s):

Mission: Joy  Is an amazing Netflix Documentary that is filled with wisdom, love and joy. It is worth your time for sure. The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu give deep insight on how to find happiness in troubled times. Mission Joy also provides neuroscience to support how you CAN create Joy in your own life, as they say, “It’s an inside job.”



Reminder - from Shannon: 
Steve Sheinkin, a successful children's author, will be visiting our school on Monday, March 13 to talk to our students about their latest book, Fallout. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to meet an accomplished author and learn more about the writing process. During the visit, Steve Sheinkin will give a presentation sharing their writing process and favorite books and answering questions from the audience. 

The schedule will be: HS: 11:15-12:15  (students who are interested should go to flex, check in, and then report directly to the Auditorium)



Contracts As you know, the school budget passed! Thanks to anyone who helped to make that happen, which is all of you because you've earned the trust of our community. Thank you. 

Thus, teacher contracts for next year will likely be issued soon. (Non-licensed contracts will follow.) We are excited to have you return and very much appreciate your commitment to PA. Please remember that the new negotiated teacher contract requires you to return your new contract within TWENTY DAYS (not 30 (the previous # of days)). 

Please take note on the scheduled testing to occur in the building starting in April listed below.


3/13 - Best Practice  

3/13 - Author Visit
Cards made during Best Practice

3/14 - Leadership Team 

3/16 - 1/2 day of school, afternoon Conferences

3/17 - Full day of Conferences and PD

3/20 - Best Practice 

3/21-23 - NYC Music Trip

3/24 - 1Act Evening Performance 7pm
3/25 - 1Act Competition @ LUHS

3/28 - Leadership Team 

3/29 - In-School One Act Performance, During Flex

4/13, 18 & 19 - English VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 9

5/1-5/9 - AP Testing

5/2-5/4 - Math VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 9

5/8-5/19 - STAR Testing Window

5/16-5/18 - Science VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 11

5/24 - Guest Speaker in the afternoon - 1 ½ hours


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday(3/14):  Flex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday(3/21):  Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday(3/24): Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Students doing mock job interviews in Financial Lit class.

AP Enviro Science Air Pollutant Speed Dating

Staff Ski

Boys Bball and Nordic senior day - and - Track Banner unveiling

And the bowling was a hit, too! 

EMT's in training - from Health class



Our Pavilion is being built right now!

PA & Stowe nordic skiers cheering on the boys racers

Xander W qualified for U16 New England Championships occurring next week in Maine

And, Gavin J qualified as an alternate for U16 NE's - I think the cheering squad on the right helped?!

Happy Birthday

Jess Graham Mar. 22

Rita Ciambra  Mar. 23


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