March 24 - Talk less. Smile more. - Aaron Burr


Lucky Ducks - Thanks for making it happen, Dan!
(*and you can see these kids perform live on April 12 at PA)

We have one more week to go in Quarter #3. With all the snow on the ground, it's a bit hard to realize that we are now officially in Spring and almost into the final quarter of the year. I feel like once we hit April, we are in a downhill run and that picks up pace the closer we get to June 15th (which is now the OFFICIAL DATE OF GRADUATION). Good thing we have a few breaks built into the quarter and warm weather is on the horizon. Keep up the great work!


Quote of the Week: 

This is not a quote, but it says a lot.....(your thoughts on Schoology)


This Week's Link(s):

Quarter 3 Mastery Report Timeline....coming next week!

This one is a little more fun: Technology over time (scroll down and check out the visual graph - that's interesting)



This is a quick look at our remaining Best Practice Schedule and other work times this academic school year. 


3/27 - Lockdown, period 6, Script

3/28 - Leadership Team 3pm Library 

3/29 - In-School One Act Performance, During Flex

*4/12 - Spring Concert and Art Show

4/13, 18 & 19 - English VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 9

5/1-5/9 - AP Testing

5/2-5/4 - Math VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 9

5/8-5/19 - STAR Testing Window

5/16-5/18 - Science VTCAP Training & Testing, grade 11

5/18 - NHS Induction : details TBD

5/?? - Spring community service and fun day

5/24 - Guest Speaker in the afternoon - 1 ½ hours

All Spring sports are in practice mode
A few of our winter athletes competed in the annual senior all-star game played last week at CVU high school. Shelby was also recognized for scoring 1000 pts. (Emma, Sawyer, and Chandler also represented us well.)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  T shirt ChallengeFlex sign up; Announcements

Friday: T shirt ChallengeFlex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Forged with Fire

Thank you TARAH!!

Front Row at Blue Man Group



Congratulations to Andi for being awarded a Morrisville Rotary Scholarship for winning the Public Speaking Contest

Congratulations to 9th grader Gavin Jolly (holding flag), who represented PA on the Vermont team competing at the U16 Eastern National Championship in Fort Kent, Maine last week. Gavin stepped in at the last minute to replace injured 10th grader Zander Waskuch (both skiers had qualified earlier in the season).


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