Oct 8

Thank you to everyone who helped out in so many ways last week. From 'dressing the part' to organizing the trip to chaperoning the bonfire the list goes on and on. I'd like to give special thanks to Moira for working with NHS to organize the week's spirit events and bonfire, Lesley for dialing up a great TA event at Elmore (and helped with other trip logistics), Van and Janet for doing the heavy lifting with the trip planning, Averill for inspiring her students to create a fun art project, Eric and Rachel for supporting trip planning, and finally Reeves, Mark M, Eric, Karen P, Moira (and Mary), Dalton, Michele, and Peter for chaperoning the Bon Fire......I think that was biggest fire I've seen in 12 years....I can't believe we didn't burn our trees?

From my perspective the school trip was another success. There were lots of smiles, sweat and sunshine. I heard many reports of students mixing up with peers they don't normally hang with, others were being helpful to both their peers and students from other schools, and of course lots of playing and laughing together.

As you know, the school trip is about celebrating our school and culture. Thanks for your support and spirit last week! What I don't tell the students, is that it is also a proactive move to 'keep the honeymoon going'. We've had a very positive and strong start to the school year. Spirit week and the School trip help to extend the positivity. The upcoming community meeting (10/16), mid-Oct break, sports playoffs, Mix it Up day, YOUR HARD WORK, and the Haunted House help us to keep things upbeat.

But, you and the students have been very busy and we all get tired. The sunlight is getting a bit more scarce and the cool air is seeping in. Thus, I'm sorry to remind you that around early October is when we traditionally start to see an increase is challenging behaviors. Please keep an eye out for any students who might start to act up or become more reserved. These are early signs that students are struggling. Please report your observations to Amanda or our school counselors. There is team waiting to help.

Team PA

On that note, we missed flex sign up on Friday. Flex Time is a great time to be proactive with your students who might be starting to slip or showing signs of academic struggle. Sometimes, calling back a student who isn't necessarily behind or in need of support (but might be headed that way) simply shows them that you care. In this scenario, you could tell them something like, "I called you back just to check in and see how you are doing. Is there anything I can do for you?".

If possible, please give students a few minutes during period 2 to sign up for flex on Monday and Tuesday. We can do the remaining sign up during TA on Tuesday. (*I just checked my TA and, surprisingly, they were all signed up for tomorrow.) Thus, our students may simply need a quick reminder. Collectively, our students are definitely more on top it with flex sign up this year. But, we need to keep monitoring them tightly this time of year.

Grading & Reporting Update:
Term Narratives are due on October 15th. Please complete them on your Schoology Course Profiles. Grading Timeline
For assistance with this task you can refer to this resource
Also, John Meyer & Maura Weiler  will be at Best Practice on October 15th to review grading practices. Maura will also be here for drop in Tuesday, 10/16 &  Thursday 10/18 (2:45-3:45) to answer individual questions. In-service on November 1st will be dedicated to completing Quarter 1 grading.

   10/8 - Best Practice 3-4 pm
   10/15 - Term Narratives due
   10/16 - Community Meeting TA
   10/18 - Conferences 11-7pm
   10/19 - No School
   10/23 - Climate Survey during TA
   11/6 - Fall Music Concert 7pm
   11/1 - Early release - grading
   11/9 - LSSU wide In-Service
   11/20 - Community Meeting
   11/21-23 - Thanksgiving Break

TA this week:
   Tuesday: Academic Check In
                        Culture Building

   Friday: Conference reminder and flex sign up for next week (No School on Thursday-Friday next week)

Schoolwide Happenings:

Jack A working on  Rolls Royce as part of the his Community Based Learning (CBL)



Happy Birthday: Mark McNall (10/12)


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