Week of 12/7

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New art in the hallways, come check it out by the library.

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Upcoming Events:

12/8 - Early Release - ODWP Scoring
12/9 - 1st home hoops game 5:30/7 Girls v. Harwood
12/12 - Boys hoops v. Harwood @ 2pm 12/17 Boys Home v. Lamoille
12/14 - Best Practice - PBL with Bill R and Susan
12/21 - Best Practice - School Culture
12/22 - Community Meeting (NO TA)
Now until 12/8 -  NHS collection for toys
1/11 - Finals Week
1/18 - LSSU In-Service -
1/22 - Poetry coffee house at PA - 7-10 (see below for details)

Classroom Happenings:

PA US History students talking with history students a Connecticut HS about current issues.
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Round #3 Bridge champions - I think they are happy about it?

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Thanks to the chaperones who helped with the Winterball (Mary, Katelyn, Jon V, Averill) and Reeves for set-up and clean up. It was a fun and successful event.

Three students were chosen to represent PA in the TRY youth leadership program this year to teach kids in grades K-3 about renewable energy. The students participated in a training last week and will be teaching in the spring. The students are Lily Metzler, Darian Dubie and Amara Gates.

We received a nice card from 'Justice for Dogs' thanking Aiden Coles, Evie Leikert, and Elise Zelius from the PA Service Club for their collective help at the Craft Show held annually at PA.

PA was well represented at last month's regional auditions for the Northeast District Music festival in Newport.  Students had to prepare an audition piece as well as sight-read a short music example. Two students were accepted into the Chorus, which was highly competitive this year: Tyler Shackett and Sterling Anderson.

All eight band students who auditioned were accepted, which is (I believe) the highest number of students PA has ever had accepted.  Seven students will be in the Concert Band: Lena Boudreau, Paige Palmer, Lexy Dambach, Laura Bickart, Alex Mekus, Gabby White, and Sophia Anderson. One student, Edward Habeck, was not only accepted into the Wind Ensemble -- but he garnered the highest score in the district, placing him at first chair trumpet -- which is nearly unheard of for a freshman.

YWP Coffee House on Friday evening January 22nd.
It will take place in the Peoples Academy Auditorium from 7:00-10:00 pm.

Please encourage your students to participate by planning to share an original piece of writing.
This writing could take the form of:
  • An Original Poem
  • An excerpt of Original Prose (a chapter from your novel)
  • An Original RAP
  • An Original Song or Musical Composition
Students can contact Peter Guihan if they are interested in participatin

Happy Birthday - Sheila Jones (12/7) 

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