Happy Holidays

??WHO AM I??

This is my final post for 2015, I know, so sad. Thus, on a happier note...I'd like to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! Thanks for the many ways you have positively supported and impacted me, each other, and the lives of our students and families. Your work is incredibly important. I appreciate your commitment, passion, and compassion for our collective goals. Please enjoy your break. I also hope you can find some time to reflect on your work and see and thank yourself for the good things you do for others.

On a different note, I hope the 'weekly notes' is helpful and informative for you. I try to balance sharing/celebrating with helpful information. If you have ideas, suggestions, feedback for how to make this tool more effective and useful, I'd love to hear them. For those of you who have been at PA for awhile, you know my communication via technology weekly notes has changed quite a bit. I'd love to hear your thoughts on what seems useful.

Upcoming Events:

12/14 - Best Practice - PBL with Bill R and Susan
12/21 - Best Practice - School Culture
12/22 - Community Meeting (NO TA)

1/11 - Finals Week
1/18 - LSSU In-Service @ Stowe 8-4
1/22 - Poetry coffee house at PA - 7-10 (see 12/7 post for details)
2/4 - early release data day
2/5 - LSSU In-Service @ PA 8-4

Great NYTimes article: Communities of Character

Classroom Happenings:

Student created images from their CAD class

Our 9th graders are on a journey (in English), you should ask them about it

Math Rules, as in, Math is Awesome


Check out what Christian Demars '13 is up to as part of his studies in Graphic Design: Black Montana

We collected more than 50 toys and 550 food items...nice work! 
Peoples Academy students Kayla and Kevin join with Healthy Lamoille to present certificates of appreciate to Thomlinson's store for passing compliance checks so that alcohol is not sold to minors.
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The innagural meeting of the new School Culture Committee - expect great things.

Happy Birthday: Jen Clark and Karsten Weiss (12/21)


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