March 27 - Our first full week in March!?

As we work toward creating a new system of education for our students, we must remember that one main goal of Act 77 is to provide for more personalized learning. This past week, several things stood out to me as examples of the many ways we do this at PA. Students in Kate's class presented their documentary film on Morrisville to a public audience, the Science Olympiad team traveled to NH where they exhibited their academic skill and understanding to a broad regional audience, and the MCAC (student Morrisville Climate Action Committee) presented to PA Leadership Team on their ideas for a climate change focused week at PA that they are calling Eco Weeko. These events are important to recognize for many reasons but partly because they are examples of how students are taking ownership of their learning and taking risks in public to share their beliefs, their skills, and their passions. The paintings (above) are another example of how our students are not afraid to express themselves in personalized ways.

This week's Link: So, You think you know how students 

Culture Corner 

Thanks for your diligence in holding and maintaining high expectations of behavior for our students. 

As a reminder, please fill out behavior referrals for students, even if you have processed the incident with them. This data is hugely important in tracking and following up on school-wide, and student-specific trends. 

You can view and print Behavior Referrals here, or pick them up on the wall of the main office. Please return completed forms to Rebecca's mailbox. 
Ideas for processing Level One Behaviors with students: 

  • Redirect behavior that does not meet school expectations
  • Hold a short conference after class / school
  • Call home to a parent (Particularly for repeat behaviors)
  • Have a restorative conversation using the questions on the back of the referral
  • Facilitate an educational conversation (Link behaviors to scholarly habits)
  • Direct students to take a break and rejoin when they are ready
  • Other ideas as appropriate

We will support you where needed! Please let Rebecca or Phil know if you'd like ideas or support in processing Level One Behaviors with your students.


3/27 - BP (PBL - Content Proficiencies & SH)
3/30-31- Newport Music Festival
3/31- End of 3rd Quarter
4/5 - Art Show and Musical Concert 6 & 7pm
4/7& 8 - One Acts travel across town to LUHS
for the State Level Competition - Good Luck!!
4/10 - BP (PBL - Content Proficiencies & SH)
5/11 - Lt Gov Zuckerman to visit PA
5/12 - Final Dance Team Performance 7pm

3/29+30 - MATH SBAC  TEST C-Block
4/3-6 - ELA  SBAC TEST B/D block

Upcoming TA
TUESDAY                                                              FRIDAY                          
3/28 - YRBS Survey - extended TA                           3/31 - Scholarly Habit Activity
4/4 - Academic Check-In                                          4/7 - School Climate Activity
4/11 - Wolf Track - Scholarly Habit                           4/14 - Wolf Track - Scholarly Habit
4/25 - Community Meeting                                       4/28 - Academic Check-In

Schoolwide Happenings: 
1:1 career coaching
SBAC this week, please be as supportive and positive as possible. 

Yum, yum time in a Spanish class celebration.


The PA Olympian Team traveled to New Hampshire on Saturday for the annual Olympiad tournament. Along with laughs and learnings they brought home a Gold, 2 Bronze, and a 4th and 6th place. Congratulations and thanks to Matt Y, Lesley S, Sheila T, and Karsten for your leadership, time and patience. This is great opportunity for students.

Way to go, Sheila. Looks like you had a good time in DC with some important people and alumni. Thanks for representing PA and Upward Bound and for voicing what you know is good for kids. 

Happy Birthday: none for awhile....


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