September 18 - Ten days until Open House!

CSR team at training last week - that's our Communicating School ReDesign team. They look excited to share!

Hey all, you are doing awesome...things are moving fast. Thanks for hanging in there. You can expect updates and help with Schoology and Flex Time today during BP.

Open House (in case you missed this last week.) 

On September 28th there we are hosting an 'Open House' at PA from 5:30-7pm. Simultaneously, PAML is also hosting an Open House. We did this on purpose for a variety of reasons I can explain later if you would like. We'll go into more details later: the short version of what you need to know is:

1. Please do everything in your power to be here.
2. Unless otherwise requested: expect to be in your classroom and prepared to speak with parents about your class
3. We will provide you with a list of things to be prepared to speak to if questioned by parents, such as, your targets for the semester, how they can contact you, etc.
4. We will provide parents with information before the event on topics they can expect to hear about and topics that they will hear about later.
5. This is a link to a working document that shows how the night is shaping up.
6. There is a small group helping to plan the event - your support is welcome. Let me know if you want to join in on the planning.

TA Update: This week's focus on is getting your TA culture to a good strong place for the M3 student led Mindset roll out. We will be providing you a script/ideas on Monday at BP. We may do a pre M3-brain based quick student survey in TA this week. Next week will be Spirit week focus. 

Upcoming Events:
Fun musical coming soon to PA

9/18 - Best Practice - Flex Time and Schoology
9/22 - M3 all day training for students
9/ 25- Spirit Week
9/29 - Pep rally of sorts....and Bon Fire
9/25 - Best Practice - M3 roll out with students
9/25 & 28 TA focus on Spirit Week and Open House
9/28 - Open House 5:30-7pm
10/3 - TA M3 starts
10/2-6 - SHHHHHH!!!! All School trip
10/9 - Best Practice PBL - Grading/Reporting, Schoology, & Flex time
10/18 - Data Day (1/2 day with students) LSSU data focused training
10/19 - CONFERENCES!!!!
10/20 - FREE

FYI - TA CALENDAR (This is a living breathing document, sort of. Anyway, it's dynamic, it changes as our needs change. For example, all those Wolf Howl/PLP activities for September are gone - we're not ready, it's not going to work right now, they are gone...for now.)

This week's Link:

Learning Spaces: Important, helpful Schoology updates. I know you are struggling with Schoology. Help is on the way...starting at BP on (/18. In the meantime or anytime, check the updates, directions, and tips on this blog.

Schoolwide happenings: 

M3 was quite a brain work out....wait til you see the results




We have 2 students and 1 teacher participating in 'What's the Story'...can you find them? 

Driver Ed class...'These arrows are pretty darn clear right?!!!"

More of the CSR Group


Golf Team looking good - who wouldn't on a day like they had.

Click Me: According to Architectural Digest, we are the most beautiful school in Vermont....well, duh, heck yeah we are!
Over there on the right is a fun short video of a goal scored last week against Montpelier in the boys 5-2 win.

Happy Birthday: Rachel Duffy (9/19)


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