September 25 - Spirit Week
M3 students practicing for Show week!! |
During TA on Tuesday your students will be completing a brief survey for M3. FYI- We kick off Youth Facilitation of M3 in TA on Oct 3rd (unless we go hiking that day?!). These will be a student led activities, you will not need to do much prep. In fact, students from the M3 group will be attending Best Practice on Monday to help explain next steps with M3. I'm looking forward to it. The students and staff have been working hard on M3 and they are ready to launch. Thanks for your patience and help!
Schoology School: I will be giving a brief update on the 'State of Schoology', next steps, etc during Best Practice on Monday and the links below are useful. If you have not yet completed this SHORT SURVEY please do so and thanks to the people who have volunteered time to help.
Speaking of Best Practice on Monday....I will also be sharing an update on Scholarly Habit use & reporting.
Quick reminders:
Time: Thursday 5:30-7pm (don't forget, this is with PAML)
You:expect to be in your classroom and prepared to speak with parents about your class
Us: tons of groups and community partners in the gym
Click this: for classroom expectations and partners list
This week's link: Learning Spaces - lots of very useful information that will help with your Schoology Needs....and this is the link to the Schoology FAQ ...that is also very helpful.
In Case you forget what to wear this's PURPLE, by the way. |
Upcoming Events:
9/25 - Best Practice - M3 Roll Out9/ 25- Spirit Week
9/29 - Pep rally of sorts....and Bon Fire (7-10)
9/25 - Best Practice - M3 roll out with students
9/25 & 28 TA focus on Spirit Week and Open House
9/28 - Open House 5:30-7pm
10/3 - TA M3 starts
10/3-5 - SHHHHHH!!!! All School trip
10/9 - Best Practice: PBL- Scholarly Habits & Schoology
10/16 - Best Practice: PBL - Flex Time & other TBD
10/18 - Data Day (REPORT CARD FOCUS)
10/19 - CONFERENCES!!!!
10/20 - FREE
10/27 - 1st Quarter Ends
FYI - TA CALENDAR (This is a living breathing document, sort of. Anyway, it's dynamic, it changes as our needs change.)
Schoolwide Happenings:
Quizlet in English 9 |
Circle discussion in History |
M3 is ready to go......congrats on your hard work. |
Congrats on completing your Masters Averill! |
Happy Birthday: Charlotte Green (kitchen) & Terris Stevens (para) (9/26); Paula Mallo (9/28)
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