May 16 - Time for Community Service & Sunshine!!

Today's walk out was a great show of support and collaboration from our students. The leaders were thoughtful, deliberate and effective. The support in town for the walkers was awesome.  Our students felt inspired and excited. Thank you for supporting and helping to amplify their voices. Thank you to all who helped to monitor the walk out and stick around to make sure things stayed safe. This has been a tough topic and I appreciate everyone's effort to stay positive, be supportive, and help out where possible. We will get there! 

We need to harness this energy and continue to guide it toward more & more positive actions!!


Quote(s) of the Week: 

'This week I have reflected quite a bit on the educational journey for our children. PA is a really special place. Our children have received  thoughtful, responsive and intentional instruction. They have had educators who support them in the classroom and on the field. The educators of PA demonstrate not only dedication and passion but a special gift of being able to connect with teens.' - anonymous parent


This Week's Link(s):

The Importance of Articulating the 4 - some of you have seen this before. It's a quick, helpful reminder of what we're going for here with proficiency grading......and a primer for a discussion we will have next Monday about grading. (SBG = Standards Based Grading)



June Assessment Schedule

Quarter 4 Mastery Grading Timeline 

1$ Cider Flights or Free Fresh Press (non-alcoholic) now until JUNE!


Canva for Education Accounts for All LSSU faculty staff and students

Hi all,  I'm happy to share that we've recently launched Canva for Education across your school! All staff, teachers, and students now have access to the all-in-one visual communication platform, 100% free.

Whatever you want to create – presentations, posters, videos, digital whiteboarding, newsletters, a teacher portal, or marketing collateral,  – you can do it all in Canva.

What's next?

You and your students can log in to your new school-based Canva team with your school google credentials at (The Canva link is under "More Apps".) There, you can use the full power of Canva for Education as well as effortlessly working together with colleagues through real-time collaboration, easy sharing, feedback and comments, and more!

If you are already a Canva user, the next time you log out and log back into Canva, you’ll be joined to the new school team. Your pre-existing content will be accessible by switching between teams; you can copy designs to your new school team by following these steps. Click here to log out of Canva to get started.

Please read the Canva teacher's guide, even if you've used Canva before - there are a few differences between our new organization-wide version of Canva and versions you may have used in the past.

To learn more about using Canva to support your work, check out Canva’s general learning site (Canva Design School) or their Teacher Resources page for resources specific to K-12 students and teachers.

If you have any questions about Canva or want to learn more about using Canva in your classroom, contact our technology team!    - LSSU Tech Team



5/17 - Service Day - amended schedule 

5/18 - Prom, Zenbarn

5/20 - Best Practice 

5/24 - Memorial Day Observance - altered schedule

6/7 - Seniors Last Day

6/10 - Tentative FINAL BEST PRACTICE @ Tarah's

6/12 - Last Chapel, full day of school to follow

6/13 - Graduation

6/18 - Last Day of School for Students

June In-Service - 6/19-21

Check out on of Margo's several groups (OVX) at the tech center yesterday presenting at the National Prevention Week and celebration of prevention efforts in the Lamoille Valley!


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (5/21):  8th Step-UP; Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (5/24): NO TA - Memorial Day Observance


Schoolwide Happenings: 

From Forensics class

Euro Lit acting our Shakespeare

Images from the Spring Art Show

Click the QR code below to see all the work from the show. Great turn out, great work! 

As a result of high demand, we've finally established a napping room


Happy Birthday

Kim Laidlaw  May 19
Phil Grant  May 21
Rachelle Ducharme  May 24
Dan Gilbert  May 27


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