May 1 - It's time to Green Up .....Day


The New and Now Peoples Academy National Honor Society. Thank you Kate and Dori for organizing a great event. Special thanks and gratitude goes to Moira Donovan who delivered a thoughtful and colorful speech at the event. 

A note about the budget:  

We are working with News & Citizen to publish an article soon that includes interviews with students about their concerns and hopes. I continue to message families encouraging them to vote and central office and the school board will increase and advocate for votes through their various communication channels. The teacher association is planning to meet on Monday to discuss ways teachers and staff can help get the positive vote out.  Absentee Ballots are arriving this week to homes in Morrisville and Elmore, so feel free to encourage your neighbors, seniors and anyone else you know in these two towns to turn in their ballots. There are things in motion and updates and ways that you can help are coming. Hang there, we're going to figure this out.


Quote of the Week: 

“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.”    

 - Patrick Lencioni



Speaking of voting, please provide us with your feedback for timing of the final Best Practice meeting by voting HERE 



5/7 - LSSU Teacher Appreciation Breakfast 7:30 am

5/7-16 - AP Testing

5/13 - Best Practice -Senior Awards

5/15 - Art Show, 4:30

5/17 - Service Day - amended schedule coming

5/18 - Prom, Zenbarn

5/20 - Best Practice 

5/24 - Memorial Day Observance - altered schedule

6/7 - Seniors Last Day

6/12 - Last Chapel, full day of school to follow

6/13 - Graduation

6/18 ?? - Last Day of School for Students

June In-Service - tentatively scheduled for 6/19-21, with camp TBD.

Play ball!


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Activity TBD - stay tuned; Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (5/17): NO TA - SERVICE DAY


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Delaney doing her good work during April Break

Some scenes from the NHS Induction

Stowe and PA students in Costa Rica during Break. Thanks Laura K for helping to make this trip possible for our students. 



2025 NHS

Happy Birthday

Mary Bell May 7

Michele Walker May 10

Jeff Brynn  May 11


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