May 30 - And then it was June....


Thanks for helping to make the Memorial Day Observance a success. Special appreciation to Tarah for set up and Dan & Peter G for music and sound support.

Where did May go? Can you believe June starts this weekend? You all are bringing great energy and inspiring ideas to work. Our students are engaged and thinking. Thank you for challenging and supporting them. 


Quote of the Week: 

Resistance is greatest just before the finish line' -anonymous


This Week's Link(s):

What do Colonoscopies have to do with finishing the year strong? Find out here........... 

excerpt: ...from this perspective, what occurs in the final weeks of our classes will have a huge influence on how students feel about?and make future decisions related to?learning, schooling, the subject you are teaching, how they might feel about future teachers (and how they might feel about future male or female teachers, depending on your gender), showing leadership in a class, etc.

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VERY IMPORTANT-End of Year Teacher Tech Hardware Survey

Please take a few moments to tell us about the condition of your school technology. Your responses guide our work for the summer and will help us be ready for the new school year. Please complete the short survey by June 9th. End of Year Teacher Tech Hardware survey 

Apps and Website Survey

We are looking for feedback on what apps and websites you are using with students. We will use this information to help make decisions about what platforms we purchase or renew for next school year. We may not be able to purchase every tool you want next year. Your feedback will help us make informed decisions about which platforms and tools to support as a district. We will email you back directly if we have questions or need more feedback.


FRIDAY June 7th - FINAL COMMUNITY MEETING - please submit your awards/recognitions/etc to TARAH ASAP if you haven't already.

THURSDAY June 13 12:15-1pm-8th grade Step Up/Scavenger Hunt - meet behind cafe (or in cafe if raining)



6/4 - Senior Class Trip

6/7 - Seniors Last Day


6/12 - Last Chapel, full day of school to follow

6/13 - 8th Step Up/ Scavenger Hunt 12:15

6/13 - Graduation

6/14 - FINAL BEST PRACTICE @ Tarah's

6/18 - Last Day of School for Students

June In-Service - 6/19-21

Some recent track moments.....good luck to our many track athletes competing in the Div 2 State Championship tomorrow at Burlington, High School (on their track by North Beach)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Friday (5/31): Flex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday (6/4):  FINAL TA - Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (6/7): Community Meeting


Schoolwide Happenings: 

NHS 2025 starting to think deeply about their role next year. 

Public Speaking class is paying off! Great job MC's 

Thank you Jess and Am Lit - Well spoken! 

AP Lit & Art on the annual mission to Shelburne Museum.



A HUGE shout out to our Softball players who are representing PA at Craftsbury Academy this year! Pictured below, Emily Hoffman, rounding the bases after a double and closing the game.

Kevin Crushes Cancer

On Thursday, May 23rd PA student Kevin Wang, a cancer survivor, delivered the first pitch for our Strikeout Cancer Game. Through his hard work and positive attitude, Kevin recently crushed brain cancer. With our community and student support we were able to raise over $700 for Lamoille Area Cancer Network. it was a beautiful day for a double header. PA took home both wins.

Happy Birthday

Tarah Hubbard  June 2

Averill McDowell  June 6

Dorienne Cedeno  June 16

Andrea Barberi  June 22

Mike Dolan  June 29


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