May 23 - If it feels like there is a lot going on, that's becasue there is


We almost outnumbered the students at Prom. We definitely out dressed them! Thank you Prom chaperones and organizers! This was another successful, positive and safe event for our students. 

Hi all, first, I hope you have a fun, relaxing, and enjoyable 3 day weekend. Thank you to everyone who continues to step in to help with all the many, many end of the year activities, events, games, projects, rights of passage, etc. There is a tremendous amount of energy and patience required from you at this time of year and I very much appreciate how you always manage to find balance and help your students to cross the finish line with grace. We have less than 3 weeks of classes to go. Hang in there, keep up the hard work, and enjoy the ride as much as possible. 


Quote of the Week: 


There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.

Ralph Nader


This Week's Link(s):

VOTE24: Best Practices & Considerations for Vermont Educators in the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle - I'm planning to attend this event - it's virtual in September....maybe this could be our staff Best Practice meeting that week?? I think we could use some help on this topic? Let me know your thoughts. 

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FRIDAY June 7th - FINAL COMMUNITY MEETING - please submit your awards/recognitions/etc to TARAH

THURSDAY June 13 12:15-1pm-8th grade Step Up/Scavenger Hunt - meet behind cafe (or in cafe if raining)



PA 'Candy Land' themed chairs soon to be located throughout town!

5/24 - Memorial Day Observance - altered schedule

6/7 - Seniors Last Day


6/10 - FINAL BEST PRACTICE @ Tarah's

6/12 - Last Chapel, full day of school to follow

6/13 - 8th Step Up/ Scavenger Hunt 12:15

6/13 - Graduation

6/18 - Last Day of School for Students

June In-Service - 6/19-21

Spring Fling Lunchtime - great scene


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (5/28):  Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (5/31): Flex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday (6/4):  FINAL TA - Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (6/7): Community Meeting


Schoolwide Happenings: 

That was some kinda race....!



Impressive Team PA (great jerseys!) at the annual Corporate Cup last week in Montpelier. They might not have won the race, but apparently they won the afterparty. 

Happy Birthday

Rachelle Ducharme May 24

Dan Gilbert  May 27

Tarah Hubbard  June 2

Averill McDowell  June 6


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