June 12 - Final Weekly Notes


......almost there

Hi all, any important communication going forward will come through email or in person at this point in the year. The remaining events for the year have been published for awhile and I'm sure you've made notes on your calendar's and are planning accordingly. Please pay close attention to the myriad of things coming up in the next week from 8th grade step up tomorrow to our day together here at PA (next Thursday). 

Speaking of our final days together next week, June 19 & 20 (DRAFT schedule*). The leadership team has met several times to review your feedback and think carefully about setting some schoolwide goals for us next year. We will be doing some collective thinking and work around this on the 19th, and maybe the 20th, too. One of our ideas is to focus on developing literacy skills across all disciplines. This week's quote and link are related directly to this idea.  Reading this short article will help prepare you for the Wednesday morning literacy session.  

*subject to, and likely to change


Quote of the Week: 

 “Students are coming to college less able and less willing to read....”

Beth McMurtrie (see below)

This Week's Link(s):

Next Week......more in this Chronicle of Higher Education article. “If you design a class based on the assumption that students will do the readings, you’ll get nowhere. If you make it easier, and go over what they should have read in class, students will participate. But then what are you doing, other than entertaining… like a cruise director organizing games of shuffleboard.”

There is hope: “Students will read,” said Chris Hakala, a psychology professor at Springfield College, “if they know why they are doing it and time is taken to help them begin to develop an approach that is effective.”

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PA Inservice Schedule for June 19 & 20 - this schedule is subject to change


THURSDAY June 13 12:15-1pm-8th grade Step Up/Scavenger Hunt - meet behind cafe (or in cafe if raining)



6/13 - 8th Step Up/ Scavenger Hunt 12:15

6/13 - Graduation

6/14 - FINAL BEST PRACTICE @ Tarah's

6/18 - Last Day of School for Students

June In-Service - 6/19-21


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Such a fun way to open community meeting!
Great 3 nights of shows and strong finish for the PA Stage Company - BIG NEWS COMING ABOUT THE FALL MUSICIAL - you will NOT want to miss it! 



Awesome new award!

Happy Birthday

Dorienne Cedeno  June 16

Andrea Barberi  June 22

Mike Dolan  June 29

Jon Vandernat  July 5

Johanna McCoy  July 24

Kate Toland  July 26

Kate Bradley  July 28


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