January 15 - MLK day and New Semester

Image result for mlk quote about love

Congratulations on completing another quarter and, in some cases, semester courses. I know this was a very challenging, trying, and overwhelming semester. Thank you for your incredibly hard work, patience with 'they system', and unbelievable support and care for each other. This is what got us through it. And so, as we stand on top of the mountain and look back, here we go again.....hang on and do what you can to enjoy the journey.

As we begin our new courses or start new units/topics with our classes this week, I encourage you to consider or revisit classroom culture, norms, and expectations with your students. I am a firm believer that learning is most likely to occur in a classroom where students feel emotionally safe, respected by their peers, allowed to make mistakes, and where they can be themselves. This is not an easy environment to create and maintain, especially in a room full of diverse teenagers. But, it's important and requires regular and ongoing finesse.

On that note, I found this article, form the New York Times both enlightening and helpful when thinking about how to welcome everyone to a new classroom (or group). The article delves into language, culture, and humor, while ultimately focusing on why a teacher at Barnard (an all women college) continues to ask students to introduce themselves on the first day of class by their name and pronoun. You may find it helpful when considering how to begin class this week. And, I do encourage you to be thoughtful and intentional about creating a welcoming, open, and respectful community in your classroom. It will pay huge dividends toward the long term learning of your students.

Flextime Update

During the next two weeks....please have students sign up for call back during period 5 on Friday 1/19 and 1/26 and Wednesday 1/31. So, mark your calendar, on Friday this week, take a few minutes in period 5 to have students sign up for call back. We'll get back to signing up during TA in February, but for now, we can't do it then. We will make a reminder announcement each of those days to help.

New Behavior Tool:

The SST (Student Support Team) has decided to use a new data analysis tool to help us monitor and utilize information about student behavior. The tool is called SWIS. We are excited about it's potential to help us solve those student enigma's that sometimes feel unsolvable. What you need to know about this switch, is that our discipline referral from is going to shift a bit and look slightly different. We (you) are going to start using the new form this semester. HERE IT IS. We will explain in more detail the why and what of this new form at Best Practice on Monday, January 22, but for now, we wanted you to see the form, in case you need to use one this week.....hopefully not. In short, the two main differences you will notice are a section on the function of behavior (what is the possible motivation for the behavior) and what interventions you tried in response. (There are recommendations listed that we hope are helpful.)

Upcoming Events:
Be sure to schedule wellness time into your busy schedules.

1/15 - In-service LSSU 
1/16 - Community Meeting - followed by TA - ALiCE communication to students (We will review this during Monday 1/15 in-service)
1/16-17 - Maura grading support in library 3pm
1/18 - Period 1 - Lockdown - discussion with students
1/19 - No TA - special guest UVM 'Hit Paws'
1/23 - FlexTime TA discussion
1/26 - TA Friday M3 #8, part 1
1/30 - TA Tuesday M3 # 8, part 2
2/1 - early release - PBL  work
2/2 - In- Service PBL  work
2/6 - TA Tuesday M3 #9
2/13 - TA M3 #10 CELEBRATION
3/22 & 23 - Conferences &
    In- Service PBL  work

Schoolwide Happenings:

Students in Creating Sustainable Communities class celebrating and showcasing their work. 

World History students enjoying course ending Yam stew, also connected to their study of 'Things fall Apart', a staple of the Igbo diet.
Support Options:

Some of you have been asking who can help me with _______. Thus, the list below should help fill in the blanks for you. Please let me know if you have questions.

Support options
  1. Tech - Freshdesk / email PAtech
  2. Schoology -  3 before me, then tech ticket
  3. STAR - coaches (PA - Todd and Phoebe)
  4. Enriching Students (PA) - Lindsey, Carrie
  5. SBAC - Building Coordinator (Janet)
  6. Aesop / Health Insurance- Megan Herman
  7. Phones / Paging - Tech via Freshdesk / email PAtech
  8. Mastery Report or other PBL - Building Principal
  9. Maintenance issues - email msdfixit


Hard to see her, but she's in the bottom right corner.
Congratulations to Mallory Pugh who received special recognition for Presidential Award last Monday Night at the State House.

Happy Birthday:Rita Angione (1/16) and Sheila Tymon (1/18)


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