Feb 12 - Snow!

These notes are for the next TWO Weeks - I'll return with more notes after the winter break.

CADCA(pictured above)
Many thanks to Peter Hathaway and Kelly Saphier who accompanied 6 PA/PAML and host of other Lamoille County students to Maryland and Washington, DC last week. PA students were Eli Smith, Zach Rodgers, and Emalie Gonzalez. The Community Anti-Drug Coalition, that includes students from LUHS, Stowe and PA, attended a national leadership summit focused on creating healthy communities and youth voice in drug prevention strategies. The initiative is being led by Healthy Lamoille Valley and the Vermont Health Department. (Oh, by the way, the bus broke down for SIX hours on the way home, yuck.)

Standardized Test Update:
There are many tests coming up for students this Spring that might impact your planning. Please take a look at the dates/tests and start thinking now about how to plan around them.

      - March 26-April 6  - SBAC (9th grade, exact times TBD)
      - April 10 - SAT (11th grade, by choice, list in guidance)
      - May - FitnessGram PE/Health Assessment (9 or 10th grade - we are skipping this year)
      - May - STAR (TBD - math & Literacy 9 & 10th grades)
Making sense of local decision making in Vt Govt class
      - Late May (16-23)- NGIS Science (11th - Missing information from the state on how/what)
      - May AP exams (11th & 12th Graders)
            - 5/4 Art
            - 5/9 English
            - 5/11 Art, part 2
            - 5/14 Biology
            - 5/15 Calculus

      - Also in May - Memorial Day Observance (10am, 5/25), Service Day (PM? 5/18)
      - Prom, Spring Play, Memorial Day, Senior Trip, sunshine, flowers, etc

Grading and Reporting Reminder: 

Be sure to check your status on requirements for quarter 3 reporting. See links below:

Q3 Reporting Timeline

     - Term Narratives due to Phil by March 8
     - Rosters due ASAP (Q3 Blue sheet)
     - Modified Expectations due March 2

Important related information from Central Office: 

Mastery Rubrics:

Quarter 3 rubrics are now available for teachers in the LSSU Faculty and Staff group in Schoology. Please encourage teachers to start entering grades when they are ready throughout the quarter. I would also like to remind teachers to double check that they are using the quarter 3 rubric when entering scores for this quarter.

Parent View:

I also wanted to share the parent view presentation that we shared with the middle and high school faculties on Friday. There are some speaker notes in the presentation that may be helpful when having conversations with your faculties.

Gradebook Set Up:

I know that this may be late, as the new semester is in progress, however, I wanted to re-share the gradebook setup information to be shared with teachers who may need to set up their gradebooks for new courses that have started for semester two.

Upcoming Events:

2/12 - Best Practice 3pm
        - Modified Expectation Overview
2/13 - TA M3 #9 Exploring Stress
2/17 - Sweethearts Dance! 7-10pm
2/19 - Best Practice 3pm
        - Schoology Parent View Overview
2/20 - TA M3 #10 Celebration
2/23 - Community Meeting for TA
** NO Winter Carnival in February **
3/8 - Schoology Parent View Evening meeting
3/12 - TEDx PA competition in Auditorium @ Flex
3/12 - Parent View Opened
3/22 & 23 - Conferences &
    In- Service PBL  work

Climate Alert: 

The next Two Weeks trend towards historically high behavior weeks. Many student get anxious about long breaks for a variety of reasons. Please continue to be present and consistent with students around behavior expectations. Where possible, be attentive to students in the halls between classes, during FLEX, and the break. Please help students to be on time, engaged, and in class until the end of each period. Thanks.

These kids can play ball....come check out a game - they are exciting, talentful, and fun.

PBL Support
The activity listed below looked intriguing to me. If you are interested, please let me know.

Vermont Proficiency-Based Learning EdCamp Series

Three EdCamps will be offered this spring across the state. The Agency of Education Proficiency-Based Learning EdCamps will be held March 1, 2018 at Lyndon Institute and the week of April 23, 2018 in southern Vermont. EdCamp will be holding their annual EdCamp at the Centerpoint School in Winooski on Saturday, April 14, 2018. To learn more and register for April 14, 2018 visit the EdCamp Vermont website and see the courtesy posting below. Learn more and register for Vermont Proficiency-Based Learning EdCamp.

CSR is rolling....

Do you have questions about the changes in your students education and grading system? Are you interested in finding out more? If so, please join us for our next K-12 Elmore Morristown Unified Union Road to Proficiency School Community Dialogue: Tuesday 2/20 6-7:30pm. This session, led by students and educators, will start with a brief introduction followed by break out sessions focused on:
  1. Why Proficiency Based Learning and the truth about student motivation
  2. What are ‘learning scales’ &  ‘targets’ and how do I know how my student is doing?
  3. What are the implications of PBL  ‘after high school’: transcript, college, and scholarships

We have also scheduled two informal PBL Question & Answer sessions for March. They will be held at…..on March 12 & March 28 3:15-4:15. These are casual drop in sessions where you can bring your questions and ideas to a panel of students, teachers and administrators.

Schoolwide Happenings:
Prepping for their trip to Montreal

Making potions in Biology

Practicing politics in World History

Stretching those Art muscles

Blood Pressure day in Anatomy and Physiology

Preparations for a very ghostly event. 

Flex Time Reminders: 
Image result for flexing arm
- Check you Advisees Schedules - are they signed up
- Call back students
- DO NOT let students go somewhere more than twice a week
- Be vigilant, be united, be strong
- Thank you


Check out 9th grader Melenia Fogg (in the 14 second video below) draining the buzzer beater in the Varsity game v. Stowe last Thursday night.

Check out what Dan is up to....

Sorry, couldn't get this to stand up straight. 

Happy Birthday: Reeves Larson (2/22)


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