February 11

Invoking that strong start to the school year and building team strength......and, green grass is only a short 3 months away!

I Need your help: We are not having Best Practice this week, it has been rescheduled for March 11. I was planning to give you some time on Monday for a few things. Thus, can you Please, Please, Please do 2 important things to help the week go smoothly.
   1 - Take a few minutes to check you TA's flex sign up and make sure they all have a place to go
   2 - Please review and prepare for Tuesday's TA Activity *(see below)
   3 - I know I said 2 things, but this one is for you - please adjust your personal calendars, if you have not already, to show that you have a Best Practice meeting on 3/11.

Thanks in Advance.

Image result for team meetingMany of you know from experience and fond memories, that when we get together in small groups to talk about our classrooms and student work we are rewarded. We learn, get inspired, and activate our creativity.

Transfer Teams reconvene next week. Your team has not met since December. In an effort to refresh your memory on some of the purpose and structure for these teams, below I'm sharing three links.

You may recall that Transfer Teams were set up based on your interest and professional goals. Do you remember your goals? Do you remember the PBL framework that you used to define your goal? It's ok if you are not recalling the framework. It's been awhile and we are working on LOTS of different things. So let me help, click on this PBL Expectations document. It will refresh your memory on the framework. Also, I recommend taking a moment to review this PBL scale and reflect on where you are in relation to your goal. The Transfer Team link will remind you of your team and goal.


New wall art
   2/11 - Best Practice 3pm   Moved to 3/11
   2/16 - Luv Bug Buggy - 7-10pm
   2/18 - Best Practice 3pm Transfer Teams
   2/19 - TA YRBS survey during TA/Flex
   2/25-3/5 - Winter Break
   3/9 - Science Olympiad @ UVM
   3/14 & 15 - One Act plays in Aud 7pm
   3/26-28 9th MATH SBAC during Math class
   4/1-3  9th LITERACY SBAC during Eng class
    4/9 - Spring Concert 7pm


I could use a truck like this right now. 
TA this week:
   Tuesday:  * Scholarly Habit Activity 2 BE SURE

   Friday: Flex sign up for next week; Academic Check In


This week's link: The Why, What, and How of Learning Scales

"Learning scales, at their best, help educators better anticipate and prepare for what their learners will need, while enabling learners to play a more active role managing their learning. "


Schoolwide Happenings:

Making Progress...with Scholarly Habits!

Kyle Shacket taking the call to service seriously! 

Student Recognition committee presenting about Green & Gold to their peers - mostly thumbs up response. 

Flex Time

Something about Shakespeare

Awesome senior night and benefit dinner on Thursday - wonderful community support!

Happy Birthday: George Washington's Actual (2/11) Cupid Valentine (2/14)


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