10/21 - Eight Weeks Down...

There is saying about the annual patterns in schools that goes something like, 'The first 8 weeks, the last 8 weeks and everything in-between....'. I believe this originated from the idea that the pace, energy, and excitement during the first and last 8 weeks of school is at its highest. When you think about it for a minute, it feels kinda true.

Well, the first eight weeks (9 if you include in-service) are complete. we should take a moment to pause and reflect on what we've accomplished thus far, which is quite significant: 9th grade day 1, 1st day of school,  teaching, new flex scheduling, TA selfies, Open House, Climate Strike, Transfer Teams, spirit week, homecoming & bonfire, all school trip, Q1, did I say teaching and assessing, and so much more.

I'm not exactly feeling a slow down in pace, but there are some important things that will be different and changing as we move deeper into fall and early winter. The days are getting shorter, darker, and colder. The workload is increasing, becoming more complex, and the demands are greater on our students. Sports are coming to closure and the musical 'show time' deadline is fast approaching. It is now when many of our students begin to think about the long haul through winter and some big holidays along the way. For some, as you know, these are not completely happy times.

This is the time of year when we begin to see a rise in challenging and unexpected behaviors. Sometimes this behavior is loud and in our faces and other times it is subtle and almost hidden. Please keep your eyes out for changes in your students behavior, be as patient and thoughtful as you always are, and report any concerns to our school counselors and Dan. Please also take a minute here and there to be present in the hallways during transitions and consider trying some quick wellness type activities in the classroom. This document highlights some brief activities that can help keep the energy up and positive in your classroom. Thanks.

PS - there is lots to look forward to and much more to celebrate, such as, the end of Quarter 1. That's right around the corner - way to go!


PA at Women Can Do Conference

Integrated Field Review (IFR) - This TUESDAY

- Please remind students during A bock on Tuesday that the visitors will arrive at 8:45 and start coming to classes around 9am. 
- Ask students to be respectful & thoughtful
- Here is a brief schedule of their visit


10/21Best Practice  - Transfer Teams
Bye, Bye Foliage

10/21- Observatory Open House - Christy Pugh to do a history presentation from 7-7:30 followed by fun stargazing with guest astronomers!!
10/22 - Restorative Practices in School Course (LOCAL) begins
10/22 - EQS Integrated AOE Field Review visit to PA
**10/25 - Telluride Film Festival comes to PA for Flex/TA
10/28Best Practice -  Transfer Teams
Link to Co-Curricular Events This Week


On Friday, October 25th, during flex (11:15-12:15), Mountain Films will be coming to present a student playlist of films as an extension of the Telluride Film Festival. On the website,  https://www.mountainfilm.org/mountainfilm-for-students-resources , you can find links to information about the films and classroom curriculum materials. If you are planning on using these materials please let me know so I can make sure there isn't duplication of the activities. Let me know if you have any questions and thanks!
This week's Link: 

Tech Drop in Sessions (Thursdays 3-4 PA Library): Starting last week, the LSUU tech department will be holding almost weekly 'drop in' sessions to support your work with technology. Each week there will be a topic listed at the main topic for that week. However, they will also be able to help with other questions and are always open and willing to hear about and plan for other topics in the future. If you have a need, question, or idea please stop by and don't forget that you can always email patech@lsuu.org for help.

Building Update: 

There are some ML students who are trying to linger around and engage with HS students during transitions in the hallway between the Cafe and Library. ML students are not allowed to hanging around in that area. They do need to travel through those areas for some of their classes, but they should not be 'hanging out'. If you notice this, please ask them kindly to move along and if you can, get there names and report this to the ML office. Thanks.

TA This Week

Tuesday: Announcements and Flex Sign up

No TA  or Flex - Special Assembly - see calendar above

*Students will go to TA for attendance and then report and sit as a TA in the auditorium*


Schoolwide Happenings
US History - who are you?

Look who's teaching a book group in 9th grade English.

Ava and Yosko teach a lesson on Molecules.

That's some serious focus

Lucy Leriche from Planned Parenthood being interviewed by the Current Events class. 
AP Bio students teaching Biology to other classes.


Check out Silene DeCiuces (PA '10) VPR interview and hear about her project - Can't wait to see what comes of the collaboration between her and Moira & Averill's students.

Way to go Andi Tisdale, who has joined the Up for Learning Team to help train youth across the state in facilitation training to lead 'Getting to 'Y'' activities in their communities. Getting to 'Y' is a youth led event that helps communities learn about and work toward positive change.

Happy Birthday: Moira Donovan (10/25); Van Carr (10/28)


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