July 24, 2020 - Summer Updates
Hello all,
I'm starting up the Weekly notes earlier than usual because, well, things aren't usual. There is far more to communicate, think about, plan, etc far sooner than summers pre-pandemic.
If you didn't see the latest email from Matt Young and I, read it first.
The LSUU Administration is spent a considerable amount of time this week discussing our strategies for sharing information and engaging with you (our faculty), as well as, other members of our school community. Your input is important to us and we hope you find the following opportunities helpful as we work together to develop our plans for the start of the school year:
- Superintendent Tracy Wrend is offering a second opportunity for a Google Meet update on Monday, July 27 from 3:00-4:00pm.
- You can join the meet using this link: meet.google.com/bvd-xutu-ion
- Val Sullivan will be hosting a Continuity of Learning update on Wednesdays at 1:00 starting on 7/29 (Meet code: meet.google.com/iia-socu-vat)
- PA Faculty and Staff are welcome to join Phil in a google “Meet” on Tuesdays or Wednesday at 8am to ask questions, connect with others, and hear what is on other people's minds. It is helpful to have questions articulated beforehand by using this FAQ document
- The PA Leadership Team (starting of planning teams) will have optional meets at the start of next week. Anyone is welcome to join the conversation. The focus of the two meetings (below) will be to start organizing school based planning teams. Invites to help and more meeting’s times will follow. (Yes, this is short notice, I apologize.) There is limited money available to pay teachers to start working on creating plans for school start up.
- We will continue to share new information and updates will be via email. Please be sure to check “The Source” for messages from Tracy Wrend as they come out.
* Note on the LSUU level planning process: The LSUU COVID task force required more meetings than anticipated to organize and set priorities for the work of opening schools. The task force groups were unable to utilize the volunteers as originally intended and we apologize for any confusion that this may have caused. We are so thankful and are grateful to have members from each school willing to participate in this meaningful work.
Tracy Wrend will be reaching out to the Leadership and Policy focus group and John Meyer will be reaching out to the Operations focus area group to meet. Val Sullivan will be hosting a Continuity of Learning update on Wednesdays at 1:00 starting on 7/29 and Jessica Spencer will host a Social Emotional Learning and Wellbeing update on Thursday at 11:00 starting on 7/30 (link coming), these updates are open to everyone. We would like to encourage anyone who volunteered for the Social Emotional Wellbeing and Continuity of Learning focus area groups to join Val and Jess in these opportunities. There will also be additional time for school based feedback based on the work of reopening schools.
PA will not look like this, but there will be some similarities on some days. |
We also spent a lot of time thinking about the school schedule....
PA Schedule Update: (This is a top priority at the moment)
I know that many of you have schedule questions and wonderings. We are working diligently to get details about what will be a Hybrid Schedule to you soon. We are responding to new guidelines from the AOE and CDC, as well as, learning from decisions in districts across the state. We will be inviting you to a google meet soon to learn about the current thinking and to provide ideas and suggestions. I’m thinking this meeting will be next Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. ______________________________________________________________________
This week's Link:
EdElements - Great Blog on Remote Learning to help with planning and education in general
Schoolwide happenings:
Do you have any graduation parade photos?
Share them here!
In case you missed it! Graduation Video
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