April Fools Gold - Don't let those crocus fool ya....


Seems like everytime the Crocus' come out - it snows!?

Hi all, don't forget about FREE LUNCH today - 12:15. You've more than earned it.

Happy April and thanks for your hard work, commitment and sacrifice. You are awesome! 


This Week's Link(s): 

Below are TWO wellness related quick reads - these are simple and helpful....better than a lot of stuff we've seen this year. 

Always on?   &   Stress Relief Booster Shot (you may have seen this one)



- 4/12&13 - There will be a very short Racial Equity Student Group survey to be completed during period 2 - very short (5m), we'll talk more about it at Best Practice. If it's a problem, please check in with me.


4/7 - Best Practice

4/7 - Mental Health Student Led Teacher invited meeting

4/8-4/16 ELA SBAC Testing

4/13 - In School SAT Testing for Juniors

4/14 - Best Practice


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

On your own this week - no video, only announcements, work on your photo challenge submissions


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Get your masks here.....

A little sun can help the brain.



I came upon a wonderful site the other evening - PA Drama live and in action!

On Saturday March 20th PA science students participated in the annual Science Olympiad.  Science Olympiad is one of the premier science competitions in the nation with annual tournaments showcasing innovative STEM content, creating a technological literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers.  UVM virtually hosted our students and competed against 3 different local schools focusing on Anatomy & Physiology, Astronomy, and Codebusters to name a few.  Overall our students placed 2nd!  Congratulations to our Science Olympiad Team! PA is very excited about continuing in the participation of this event and seeing it grow.

Happy Birthday

Peter McCarthy  April 6

Jim Calhoun  April 17


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