August 13, 2021 Back in the Game....


Ball is life. Or so they say; they being the NBA. Part of their point is to do what you love. So, here's to kicking off another year and working hard at what we love to do.

We got a new gym floor, a new parking lot, a new mural, new 'redcats' (see below), and a new superintendent; all in one summer!  Pretty soon we're going to have a whole bunch of new students, too. I look forward to seeing you on August 23rd. 

And, a new fire pit


This Week's Link(s): 

Mandatory Online Trainings (Time will be provided to complete these on Monday 8/23, but for those of you who like to get ahead, here's another reminder.)



*Starting Monday, August 16, If you are in a communal space at school, please wear a mask. Check your email for a message titled 'LSUU Summer Update #3' on August 13 from superintendent Ryan Heraty with other COVID updates. 

In-service is gaining momentum.  Please note that on Tuesday, August
24th our LSUU day will be held at Peoples Academy, a preliminary agenda is below.  Since this is one of the larger events LSUU has held we are encouraging attendees to RSVP here.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DAY STARTS AT 8:00AM, this is an update from the staff letter sent out earlier this week

*New RedCats in each classroom!  
    7:30 - Coffee and light breakfast provided 

    8:00 - LSUU Welcome - meet at the bandshell - bring a chair or blanket to sit on-(rain plan gym)

    mid-morning - break into school-based groups.  

    Noon - Lunch provided  for all

    1:00 - 3:00 - HHB with Heather Lynn; in school groups in assigned spaces throughout PA.  

3:00 - closing circle/ feedback

*You might be surprised to see a 'redcat' in your classroom. They provide enhanced audio features for your students. For more information and assistance please reach out to Bill Slocum.


Otis Alpine Grant 6/19/21
8/16 - 1-2 pm Optional Google Meet Q & A with Phil

8/23-8/27 - In-Service, Updated Schedule

8/24 - LSUU Day, PA 8:00am

8/30 - First Day of School, 9th Grade & New Students, Schedule

8/31 - All Students Return to School


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Do you know who your new advisees are? Check your PowerTeacher....


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3 coming soon.....



New mural - thanks to Averill who worked with the Nordic team this summer to create this awesome addition to campus

Happy Birthday Summer Shout Outs!

Dorienne Cedeno  June 16

Andrea Barberi  June 22

Mike Dolan  June 29

Jenn Bickart  June 30

Jon Vandernat  July 5

Brian Rafferty  July 20

Crystal Judd  July 21

Johanna McCoy  July 24

Kate Toland  July 26

Kate Bradley  July 28

Karen Perry  Aug. 2

Shannon DeSantis Gile  Aug. 6

Floyd Johnson  Aug. 9

Peter Guihan  Aug. 12

Phillip Scott  Aug. 14


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