February 18 - Have a great break!


Great opening vibes to the week that continued throughout

I hope you all have a great break. We all need a rest and time away. Thanks for your patience, understanding, and cooperation with the swiftly shifting COVID expectations. I appreciate you all everyday. 



A few notes on our shift to mask-optional:

I tried to check in with as many people as possible in the last few days about student and staff questions and things that we need to consider when we come back from break. Below are the topics where I feel we need clarity and consistency: 

- Eating in classrooms during regular classes - if you allow students to eat snacks during class, have a specific time set for this

- Mask breaks during class - if you have students who wear masks, please provide mask breaks for them

- If you are unmasked - please check in with students and each other, who are masked before getting close to them (leaning in to help them with work) - find out what spacing they are comfortable with (ex: before I come to your desk, are you ok with me coming close)

- What’s happening with lunchtime? We are not making any immediate changes to lunchtime, such as, new allowable locations, until we consult with students and each other

- What if I (student) feel unsafe and can't stay in this space? Direct them to guidance for support

- New restrictions (because some will not be masked) - there are no new restrictions, such as, desk spacing (you should check in with classes to see what arrangement will make them feel the most comfortable for learning)

- Why did the state and district move to mask optional? - They believe that for schools above 80% vaccination rates (that's us, currently 88%) and where community spread is low (us again, only 2 new cases on Lamoille yesterday) it is no longer necessary to wear masks. We will continue to monitor air quality, encourage testing, and ask everyone to stay home if they are sick or have symptoms. 


3/14: Best Practice   3pm Library

3/17: Early Release

3/18: Conferences

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  No school, no TA 

Friday: Mask Optional check-in reflection; Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Tackling the question with words and images



Check out our artists in the news and public showing - and way to go Averill!

....And, below are some general parent comments that appeared on our Family Communication Feedback Survey: 

My overall observation is that the kids are happy and want to attend school which speaks for itself. I recently learned that high school students mentor the middle level students which I think is amazing.

We are deeply grateful for the dedication of the staff at PA/LSUU. We know the last 23+ months have been significantly difficult and we greatly appreciate those that continue to try to do the best they can to provide our child with quality education and a sense of community.

Just a reminder that these guys beat you!!!

Happy Birthday

Kristen Connelly  Feb. 20

Reeves Larson  Feb. 22 

Matt Yoskowitz  Mar. 2

Ashley Lynch  Mar. 5


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