September 30 - It's Almost Time


We've been working hard and it's time to celebrate with everyone at Elmore State Park. The weather is looking good, the colors will be bright, and you get Wednesday off to recover!

A view from the top today - care of Van, Kate and Averill - nice early morning rally! 


This Week's Link(s):

Follow up from my story about Yvon Chouinard on Tuesday

(that's me in the photo, not Yvon, just thought I should clear that up... : )  )



Leadership Team will meet on Tuesday 10/4. I need someone from each department for Academic conversations about (grading, our scales work, and the future of our schedule) Please send a rep to the Library at 3, we'll be done by 3:45 this week. 

If you haven't already, please get your picture taken on Friday, October 7th.  This is make up day for all students and faculty.


10/4 - All School Trip - Elmore St Park
10/4 & 10/5 - Yom Kippur: No Homework Please, celebration from sundown on 10/4 through 10/5

10/5 - No School
New art going up, check it out

10/7 - Photo Make-Up Day, All students & Faculty should have their picture taken if you haven't already

10/10 - Conferences

10/12 Green & Gold Staff Wardrobe - Let's Get Creative People!

10/17 Best Practice   3pm Library

10/19 Green & Gold Staff Wardrobe - Let's Get Creative People!

10/22 - Likely date for Haunted House, excuse me, Haunted High

10/28 - Early Release (GRADING)

11/11 - In-Service @ PA (with LSUU)

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  TA @ Elmore State Park

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Andy, starting to take control of his 'story' this year

Art and English students tour the architecture and landscape of Lamoille County

Some members of the newly formed Parent Advisory  Council meeting with Matt (Young) and Phil today - we were working on a 'Futures Protocol"



How awesome was that!?

Happy Birthday

Lesley Riffenburg  Oct. 2

Mark McNall  Oct. 10


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