August 31: Strong Start!


Hello all, Great start! 

1st week down. 

1st vacation on it's way. 

Thanks for your efforts and hard work to get us off and running with a relatively smooth and successful 1st week. You cranked through in-service, brought amazing energy to the building this week, and the kids are responding. 

Thanks for your cooperation and willingness to be present and positive during our Open House last night. Phew, that's behind us. 

Ahead, and coming quickly are Spirit Week, Homecoming, Bonfire, and the All-School trip not too far behind. 

Get some rest, go for a nice long swim (or boat ride, or bike ride, or whatever), re-energize and have some fun this weekend. 


This Week's Link(s):

If you have not already added the Today at PA calendar to your Google
calendar, please do so. 

Please complete and share with Tarah your PROFESSIONAL GOALS (this is for licensed teachers)





9/2 - Boys Varsity Home Opener v. Fairfax 4:30 Upper Deck

9/2  & 9/5 - No School, Labor Day Weekend

9/6 - Senior Class meeting during Flex (this is optional, it's for seniors who want to help plan Homecoming)

9/6 - Leadership Team (culture/climate/school spirit) 3p Reeves' room

9/8 - 1st Egress Drill

9/12 - Best Practice 3pm Library

9/13 - Leadership Team (instructional practice focus) - 3pm location TBD

9/16 - PA Picture Day, *7:45 All Staff Group Photo* (location: TBD)

9/16-17- Homecoming

9/19 - Best Practice 3pm Library

9/20 - 1st Lockdown Drill

9/20 - Leadership Team (culture/climate/school spirit) 3p Reeve's room

9/26 Best Practice 3pm Library

9/27  - Leadership Team (instructional practice focus) - 3pm location TBD

10/4 - All School Trip - Elmore St Park, Tentative

10/10 - Conferences

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (9/6):   Flex sign up; Announcements; TA Selfie (This Activity can be done anytime during this week or next week, no rush)

Friday (9/9): Flex sign up; Announcements; Anticipated Activity to prep for Spirit Week

NEXT FRIDAY (9/16)- anticipate some sort of Pep Rally during part or all of TA/Flex


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Thank you Van, Kyle W, and anyone else who helped to bring back the bread oven on Monday.....Do you know who started the fire at 4am? 

Lunchtime is tame and fun.....come on down and join us. 
BY THE WAY - There is ONE FREE LUCNH per week for all staff. 

Taking a class break....with their teacher!



Congrats to new Grandma Moira! 
(Jack Donovan Weiss - born 8/27/22)

Happy 50th Trevor!! See you at Moogs in a few hours.....

Congratulations to our inhouse intrepid hikers who joined the White Mountain 48 Club this summer - which means they hiked all 48 4000+ foot peaks in the Whites (but not in one summer)

Happy Belated Birthday

Jon Vandernat  July 5

Brian Rafferty  July 20    

Crystal Judd  July 21

Johanna McCoy  July 24    

Kate Toland  July 26

Kate Bradley  July 28

Karen Perry  Aug 2

Shannon DeSantis Gile  Aug 6

Floyd Johnson  Aug 9

Peter Guihan  Aug 12

Philip Scott  Aug 14


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