Oct 7 - Conferences next....
Thank you all for your efforts to help make the all-school trip a success. I heard several stories from teachers and students about how much they appreciated the day. My favorite story is one about a student who upon reaching the summit, declared that this was the first ever mountain he had climbed. And then added something to the effect of, 'It gives me a whole new perspective on my size in relation to the world'. Special thanks to Dan, Lesley, and Tarah who did the heavy lifting with logistics and planning, Peter for hauling around the audio equipment, Jeff and crew for an awesome meal, and Michele for managing a challenging attendance process.
Moving on, our next big events are conferences on Monday and the Haunted High on 10/22. See below for some updates and important information about conferences and grading/reporting.
This Week's Link(s):
Conference and Grading Update:
Below are a few talking points, a few* I suggest working into your conference where/when/if you can fit it. If you have questions about these ideas below, I will be around today and in the library for as much as possible during conferences. On that note, please encourage parents to visit with me in the library if they have questions about grading and reporting that you don't feel like you can answer. (There is also this FAQ provided by central office about reporting. Feel free to share this during conferences.)
- *Scholarly Habits (SH): Scholarly Habits will be on the Q1 mastery report. We will talk about SH at our 10/17 Best Practice (among other things). You will need to report on ONLY 1 SH for Q1 and you can decide which one. You may report on more than one.
- Narratives: There will not be any narratives on the Mastery Report this year. However, if you have a concern about a student, you have the ability to comment. (Comment tool coming soon.)
- *Quantity: you may not have a lot to report on for Q1. That's ok. If it comes up, tell your parents and students this during the conference. (Parents should NOT expect a lot of reporting in quarter 1; LSUU and I will both be communicating this prior to and/or as part of the Q1 reporting communication.)
- *Pacing Guide: having your pacing guide handy during the conference might help parents understand why you are not reporting on all targets during Q1.
- Samples: A sample report card and information flyer were shared with families through multiple communications and they were available at my table during Open House.
- Time: we will provide time and supports during Best Practice on 10/24 & 10/31 for grading/reporting
- Schoology to PowerSchool: The process for transferring grades from Schoology to PowerSchool will be same process we've been using for the past few years. Also, you do not need to worry about what proficiencies you tagged or didn't tag in Schoology.
2022-23 Mastery Report Sample |
TA (Teacher Advisory)Links to activities and scripts for TA this week:
Tuesday: Post Trip Reflection Script ;Announcements
Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements; CORE survey (link coming with announcements)
Schoolwide Happenings:
AP Environmental working with Lamoille Conservation |
Happy Birthday
Mark McNall Oct. 12
Anne deVos Oct. 17
Moira Donovan Oct. 25
Van Carr Oct. 28
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