8/31 - Thank you for a great start!


It definately felt like the rainbow was shining on us this week. This has a lot to do with your efforts and energy. Thanks for helping to get off to a great start. Let's keep the ball bouncing....

*If you have any extra time and energy to spare this quarter, we are SHORT 5 paraprofessionals. There are many ways we can help our consulting teaachers meet the diverse needs of many studnets. Please reach out to them and ask how/when/where you can help. 


Quote of the Week: 


This Week's Link(s):

Joelle van Lent Slides: re iage and quote above - it's always good to try to  review what Joelle tells us

Equity and Assesment article: great resource of things to consider when developing assessments (from in-service)



Period 5 - starts at 12:40


Flextime: We're off to a pretty good start with flextime....to keep it this way, please remember: 

- We are using these 3 Weeks to set a strong tone for a Culture of Learning

Focused 9th graders

- Give your students work: relevant, neccessary work

- If a student doesn't arrive or leaves without permission or shows up and isn't on your class list - send them to the office and report it


9/4 - Labor Day - No School
9/15-17 - Rosh HAshanah
9/24-5 - Yom Kippur
10/2 - Tentative All School Trip to Elmore Mt St Park
10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School
10/13-14 - Homecoming & Bonfire


TA (Teacher Advisory

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday 9/5:  Flex sign up; Announcements; What makes PA Great

Friday 9/8: Flex sign up; Announcements; What makes PA Great

Tuesday 9/12 Flex sign up; Announcements; What makes PA Great


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Welcome Back! 

Opening Day

The energy session - day #1

Thank you Van and classes

Art project session - day #1 

School Culture Session - Day #1 

Back to work people....

Sharing Quotes in Am. Lit


Heated debate in Statistics

Time to Kahoot in Geometry

Safety Training before school started



Happy Birthday

No Birthdays next week, but it's Trevor's Tomorrow - Happy Bday Trevor! 

And for all of you who had summer Birthdays - We hope you had awesome celebrations of you. 


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