January 25 - Welcome to a new semester


Amazing school spirit & fun was on display at the PA Nordic Event.

I hope that any new classes are off to a positive start this week. Thank you for all of your efforts to end last semester with thought, creativity, and challenge. And, thank you for your hard work to complete grades and prepare for a new semester at the same time. Thank you, Sheila, for keeping us all organized and moving.....


Qoute of the Week:

'Keep showing up, you're doing great!' - anonymous


This Week's Link(s):

I recently came across the article linked below related to late assignments. We've had many conversations and versions of our due date/deadline/revision procedures in the past 5+ years. I found this article to be very timely, as we start a new semester, and I recommend reviewing it and your classroom level procedures. 

'Students inevitably will be late handing in assignments, and educators in this blog post offer advice on how teachers should respond. Chandra Shaw advocates for allowing late submissions, emphasizing empathy and understanding, while Stephen Katzel suggests flexible policies with graded deductions for late work, and Kelly Owens focuses on teachable moments, advising educators to break assignments into small tasks, understand reasons for missed deadlines and involve students in creating action plans'



2/1 - In-Service at PA



1/29 -  Best Practice 

2/1 - No School, In-Service

2/12 -  Best Practice 

2/13 - Science Field trip Fairbanks Museum

2/2? - Community Meeting/Winter Carnival
   - someone said something about schoolwide Polar Splash this year....??

2/24 - Break Begins


Lots to talk about....
TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Friday (1/26): Flex sign up; Announcements; Follow up from Community meeting: note cards...

Tuesday (1/30): Flex sign up; Announcements; 

Friday (2/2): In -Service NO TA 

Tuesday (2/6): Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Writer's Showcase

10th grade reality store - ask them how their new job worked out!?



The ski trails are good right now!

Happy Birthday: 

Chris Walsh  Jan. 31

Stephanie Alfaro-White  Feb. 7


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