Almost Thanksgiving

Upcoming Events:

Monday - BP in Library with Bill R 'SHOW & TELL' @ 3pm
Monday - Winter Sports begin   (what?!)
Tuesday - NO TA - ODWP
Tuesday - LT meeting in Rachel's room at 3pm
Friday - Phil will be out of school & presenting @ St. Micheal's College at a PBL symposium
November 24th - Community Meeting for TA

LINK: Interesting Graphic produced by CVU High School on PBL Grading otherwise known as:         (Standards based grading) Click the PRESENT button in the upper right corner to see how the app work....very cool tool.

Classroom Happenings: 

PE Fun
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You will notice a lack in classroom photos this week. I've been struggling to make the time to get into your classrooms, sorry. I'll be back soon. Below are some photos of you working hard last Wednesday during In-service. Thanks for your contributions to the great dialogue, great ideas, great effort on this tremendously great change process. Hang in there I know its hard, I see and hear you struggling through dilemmas and challenging each other and yourselves. I appreciate this from you.


Jen B and Sheila T have been working hard all fall on applying for grants to fund a unique and awesome Spanish Language trip for Spanish students. You might want to ask them about it. They've acquired several grants and last week received on for $4000 from The Vt Community Foundation. Way to go the extra mile(s) for our students!

Students from PA won two awards at JSC Greening Summit on Saturday.
1.  1st Place in Creative Expression of Project (Fun and Educational Skit written by Grace Safford)
2.  2nd place overall

Their $1000 winnings will go toward their Biodiversity Project.

The students listed below have been accepted into the All New England Band Festival, to be held on Monday, November 23rd at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire: Alexis Faith, Carmen Isabell, Annie Keith, Morgan Montminy.

Happy Birthday - Bob R, Eric K and Julie Gravel (11/19)


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