September 6 - 1 week down

We are all in! Thank you for another great start to a new year. Who's ready for the new wolf dance?

During the week I saw staff and students taking risks, reaching out to help others, and trying new things. As I walk around the building and step into classes it's great to see how many of you are using the PAHS Scholarly Habits and other targets and scales right from the beginning. Also, the amount of small group work and variations of activities that require students to work with, listen to, and speak up to their peers is impressive. Our students are engaged, inspired, and working hard. This is largely due to you! Thank you.

Upcoming Events

9/6 - Chromebook Handout in TA
9/13 - PLP intro in TA
9/19 - BP in library at 3pm
9/20 - Community Meeting during TA
9/26-30 - Homecoming (Bonfire Friday or Saturday night)
9/26 - BP in library at 3pm
10/19 - Early Release/Data Day/PBL work
10/20 - Conferences

This Week's Link: Think you know about Growth Mindset? Agree? Disagree? Go here!

Schoolwide Happenings!
Opening Assembly led by NHS

Thank you Van...nice work! 

Oh, yes, I'll have some of that! 

A focused learning center

Looking good on Day #1

Chemistry Day #1

You think your class is big...check out this Math course! 

My First Day of Driver Education

Scholarly Habits in action - 9th English

First TA cirle - Go, Jon, Go!

Never too old for a good storybook - Forensics

Here is a helpful post from Shaun Noonan. Whether you use it or not, I love that he is thinking about how to help us all.

 I understand that we all have our individual learning styles.  Some of you may benefit from a Schoology Webinar that Val posted in her blog, Learning Spaces.  It's a webinar, so it's a bit dry, but it helped me to answer some of the questions I was having.  Give it a shot.



1st Day of School Exit Card Feedback - Positive and informative.

Happy Birthday: Dan Bruce (9/9)

Personal note: This weekend I'll be riding in the Kelly Brush Century Ride to help raise money for adaptive skiing and ski safety for youth. I'm only $250 short of my fundraising goal. You can help and learn more by clicking here:  Kelly Brush Foundation. The foundation reached the $250,000 mark this past weekend, but they had grant requests for more than $800,000 last year. If I reach my goal the foundation could purchase a mono-ski for a developing adaptive sports program and put people on the mountain who would otherwise be unable to enjoy skiing/riding. Thanks for your consideration.


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