September 19

Sophie Carlson

Hello, if you haven't read Val's most recent Blog post, you might want to do that before reading on. As you know we are in a state of transition. Those moments and feelings of confusion, frustration, and discomfort that I mentioned at Elmore during In-Service are probably surfacing right now for many of you. Hang in there and THANK YOU for your patience, understanding and trust. And, try to remember that through challenge and disequilibrium we will grow and improve. 

Best Practice & Schoology Update: 
We will start BP promptly at 3pm on Monday in the library. Please bring a laptop or ChromeBook (CB). You will need it. 

We will start with a short review of our norms and PLP update. Then, we will shift into loading our Powerschool Gradebook. Val, Sheila J, and our Curriculum Council members will be on hand to help navigate the process. 

All of the 'workshops' that you may have signed up for will move to the next two BP meetings. After all, grading and reporting seems to be the number one cause of 'interference' right now, so we are going to take care of it collectively. 

After gradebook is loaded folks can meet in teams, stay for Q & A on Schoology or load Drive Companion (Drive Companion for Schoology) - (refer to 'a fw updates' email from Val for more info).

If you chose Team Time for Monday 9/19 you can join your team after your gradebook is set up. 

Why Powerschool gradebook? As already mentioned, read Val's Blog Post. In short, until the Oct 19/20 In-service days we will be using 2 gradebooks. Schoology and PowerTeacher. There are good reasons for this that are explained in the post from Val. I understand this will add complexity to reporting this fall, but it is a necessary step as we transition to Schoology. Again, thanks for your patience and understanding. We'll get through this together. 

If you have not signed up for the other workshop offerings or need to change a sign up, please go to the links below. 

PS - Be sure to review the TA Flag Project'' prior to TA on Friday. There will be more mention of this on Tuesday at the Community Meeting. It's going to be a fun project.

Schoology Q & A
Schoology - How to load a Scale
Wolf Track-PLP
Team Time

Upcoming Events
Curriculum Council - Working hard to answer our questions!

9/19 - BP in library at 3pm
9/20 - Community Meeting during TA
9/23 & 27 - TA Flag Project
9/30 - Pep Rally following lunch for TA
9/26-30 - Homecoming (Bonfire Saturday night)
9/26 - BP in library at 3pm
10/10 - BP in library
10/17 - ODWP calibration
10/19 - Early Release/Data Day/PBL work
10/20 - Conferences
10/21 - No School

Schoolwide Happenings!

World History goes local

Students chat in French 1

Yo Hablo Espanol? 

Lit Analysis

How Healthy are you? Ask a 9th grader

French students enjoy a lunch of Fondu.


PA attending the international 'Day of Peace' at the UN in NYC!!! last Friday - way to go Kate!

Oh My, have you seen the food in the cafe' lately, YUM YUM 

Allison Kittel (PA '16) graduates from training

Happy Birthday: Rachel Duffy (9/19)


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