September 26

This is your reference sheet for the week. I can't wait to see how you show your school spirit. Howwwwwwwooooooooo!!!! (Monday is Vermonter or Tourist day)

Schoology Update: 

You want this!
And your students want this.
If you don't why you want this or need some help, come to BP today, we'll explain.

PBL update

I sent this message to parents on Friday. You may find it useful to read to students. I will give you some background at BP on Monday and give you some details about messages and communications to follow. Thanks for your patience!

Also, If you have not signed up for the other workshop offerings or need to change a sign up, please go to the links below. 

Schoology Q & A
Schoology - How to load a Scale
Wolf Track-PLP
Team Time

Upcoming Events

9/26 - Best Practice (please sign up above)
9/27 - finish TA Flag Project
9/30 - Pep Rally following lunch for TA
9/26-30 - Homecoming (Bonfire Saturday night)
9/26 - BP in library at 3pm
10/10 - BP in library
10/17 - ODWP calibration
10/19 - Early Release/Data Day/PBL work
10/20 - Conferences
10/21 - No School

Schoolwide Happenings!

APES getting prepped.

Your're not sure what's going on here? Ask these kids.

Students from Kate's Geography class attended the Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability at Shelburne Farms last week. The class has joined with 8 other schools (grades 5-12) to study issues related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and reconvene in April to share their work. 

Fun in Espanol

Prepping the school store

The Final Product

Forensics Lab


See photos above :)   ^^

Happy Birthday: Doreen Cota (9/27) Paula Mallo (9/28)


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