December 12, 2016

Hi all, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. As we approach the first winter break we will use our Best Practice time together to gain greater understanding of PBL grading, reporting, and learning. I shared a link on Friday to some reading that you may find helpful (also below). I have lots more reading if you want more literature on PBL. Also, you can expect a presentation some time after the break on the learning and ideas form the HS Redesign Committee. I'm excited for this sharing.

TA update: We've struggled to do gain momentum with collective use and understanding with our Scholarly Habits. This is no surprise as there is tons to do in the classroom and during Best Practice time. Expect to engage more on this topic post break. But, as a result, feel free to use TA time this week for regular academic check-ins, if it doesn't make sense for students to reflect on Scholarly Habits in their Wolf Track. To help with 'check ins', please update your student grades in Powerteacher if you have not done so recently. Thanks.

PBL Link - Reading connected to Monday's BP Click on 'download', open the download document, then click on the circle arrow icon in upper right, and the text will shift to read properly 


12/12 - Best Practice
12/16 - Staff Holiday gathering - Thanks Lesley
12/17- Winter Ball - thank you chaperones!!!
12/19 - Best Practice
12/20 - Community Meeting
12/23 - Last Day of School '16
1/13 - End of 1st Semester
1/16 - LSSU In-Service Day
2/2 - Early Release - data day
2/3 - LSSU In-Service Day

Schoolwide Happenings:
Can you solve this equation?

Students talk PBL and Governance at a statewide Nellie Mae conference.

Guess my type?

We're still accepting postcards!!


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