December 5 - PBL update

Way to go Brandi!
We hope the PBL presentation on Friday was helpful to you and your students. This is a process and conversation that will take many communication efforts and strategies for us and our students to fully understand where we are going. Thus, please utilize the presentation and short PBL video as catalyst to classroom conversations this week. Please see this document for classroom discussion prompts and a link to a document that answers students first round of questions. Thanks.


12/6  - Early Release (ODWP)
12/12 - Best Practice
12/19 - Best Practice
12/20 - Community Meeting
12/23 - Last Day of School '16
1/13 - End of 1st Semester
1/16 - LSSU In-Service Day
2/2 - Early Release - data day
2/3 - LSSU In-Service Day

Schoolwide Happenings:
Overheard from one HS Redesign team member while the group was catching rays in the Portland Harbor, "Informative trip; total brain buster; lots of tough/exciting work to be done!"

Searching for the hero's journey
No more photos....I was in my office too much this week........ugh. 

PBL Classroom update: Please use the following prompts and TA Q & A Sheet to with students during B-block early this week. Thanks. (PS - if you need help, I am happy to come to your class to do this for you - though I can't do this with every class at the same time. :) )

PBL Link: Check out this brief blog by a math teacher testifying to the positive impact the shift to proficiency-based learning and grading has made for his learners.


Congrats to the EIGHT PA students, Tyler Shackett (chorus) and Lexy Dambach, Zach Rodgers, and Eli Smith (Band), Lena Boudreau, Paige Palmer, Edward Habeck and Sophia Anderson (wind ensemble),  who were accepted to the regional high school music festival in Newport. Edward and Sophia placed 1st and 2nd seat. They will play March 30-April 1st.

Good Evening Phil,
So often what we read on facebook is ridiculous and disheartening. However, on Thanksgiving, Selina Rooney (Sam and Clara Alley's mom) posted the following. She gave me permission to send it to you. She speaks for so many of us. 

"I am so thankful my children are able to attend this wonderful school with its incredible staff! I am always amazed at Peoples Academy parent teacher conferences by how hard working and dedicated the staff are, how much they care about the students and take the time to get to know them, and how they go above and beyond to provide an excellent education to the students. I am also thankful for the amazing students who take care of each other and are passionate about the environment and politics. They give us all hope for the future!"

I know, as parents, we don't tell you all enough what an amazing job you and the faculty are doing for our students. Thank you for all you do and for leading this wonderful group of faculty. Our family is grateful.


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