May 15 - Sun at last...
Well, if you aren't already feeling like there is a lot going on, you will this week: scheduling for 2017-18, 11th grade NECAPS Wed-Fr, 10 grade science bridge exam, Service Day, 8th grade step up, Spring Fling, sports are heating up, and, oh yeah, classes. ALl these things can certainly feel overwhelming, but there LOTS of Great things happening. Hang in there, you're doing awesome work!!
And while there is lot going on, we need to remain consistent and proactive about student behavior. The next few weeks is a time when some students typically begin to slack.
Final Exams: You will soon receive a detailed schedule for Final Exams. Grades for seniors
will be due no later than 2pm on Wednesday, 6/14. All other grades are due no later than 2pm, Friday 6/16. As for the 'exams' themselves:
- While we are shifting grading and reporting and other guidelines in the future, this year our expectations for finals will be the same as in the past.
- You have flexibility with the use of this time: exam, exhibition of work, project completion time, reflection time, etc.
- A ‘final’, is an opportunity to demonstrate mastery and understanding.
- (for semester courses) Use your discretion and fairness in your use of assessment when considering any new practices and how they may relate to your practices used last semester
- Explain your planned use of this time and expectations as far in advance as possible
This week's link: This is great resource and article on the how and why of teaching metacognition (Scholarly Habits). This connects directly to our work on Scholarly Habits. I love the idea of developing a 'culture of thinking' in a school. You can expect to hear more on this later.
5/15 - Best Practice: Senior Awards
Another successful Prom |
5/16 - TA - 8th grade step up
5/17 - 19 - NECAPS
5/17 &18 - 10th grade science bridge exam
5/19 - PA Service Day in the AM and Spring Fling in the Afternoon
5/22 - BP - Scholarly Habits
5/23- Community Meeting, no TA
5/26 - 10am: Memorial Day Observance
5/26-27 - Final PA Drama Club Performances
6/1 - Senior Trip
6/13-14 & 16 - Final Exams
6/13 - 1-1:30 - 8th grade presentations of PLP to Advisers
Bonus TA time |
6/15 - Last Chapel & Graduation
6/15 - Project Grad
6/16 - Last day of School
6/19-22 - Curriculum Camp Rocks!!
Upcoming TA
5/16 - 8-9th grade Step up 5/19 - SPRING FLING
5/23 - Community Meeting 5/26 - TBD - PBL related
5/30 - Last week of TA - FREE 6/2 - FREE - LAST TA
** Yearbook Dedication somewhere in here....****
6/6 - No TA 6/9 - NO TA
School Board Brief - May 08, 2017
In a joint meeting with the Stowe School Board and the Lamoille South Supervisory Union, the Elmore-Morristown Unified Union (EMUU) interviewed Peter Clarke, a consultant who specializes in Act 46. After discussion, the Stowe and EMUU boards voted to hire Mr. Clarke to help structure the process of our Act 46 study and response.
The boards added two new meetings to discuss Act 46. The next three Act 46 meetings are:
- May 31. 6:00 PM, Morristown Elementary School
- July 10, 6:00 PM, Stowe Elementary School
- August 16, 6:00 PM, Morristown Elementary School
Sustainability class providing service at the this foreshadowing for weeks end...Sunshine and dirt?! |
Tire change anyone? |
APES - cleaning up the rain gardens....more foreshadowing? |
Can't wait to see these spread around town! |
PAHS and Harwood Students prepping for Public Socratic Seminar in Waterbury Library. |
Lots of people working hard during lunch to make Service day a success.....thanks!!!! |
PAHS Art Student Gesture Drawing |
Check out the new uniforms - live and pre-parade in Brattleboro! |
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! |
Karsten was named Vermont's Design and Technology Teacher of the Year!! I know you'll all join me in congratulating him on this well-deserved recognition!!
Happy Birthday: Kim Laidlaw (5/19)
You have conflicting community meeting dates on here... It's the 23rd now, right?