December 18 - Happy Holidays

Hi all, not a lot to report this week. Hang in there this week and please be as active as possible in the hallways during transitions. And, don't forget to take care of yourself. We've had a great year and I appreciate all of your hard work, kindness, and laughs. Have a wonderful break.

This Week's Link(s): Peoples Academy in the News....

Puerto Rico Fundraiser

ALiCE Training at PA

Senator Sander's Visit

Upcoming Events:

12/18 - Best Practice 3pm Library
12/19 - Community Meeting
12/19 - Parent PBL info meeting 6:00-7:30pm
12/22 - Faculty FoodFest
12/25-29 - 1st Winter Break
1/5 - Friday TA M3 #8
1/8-12 - Assessment Week (Link to SCHEDULE)
1/15 - In-service LSSU - PBL focus
      - Target Mapping
      - Increasing Understanding and Efficiency
              - Scholarly Habits
              - Evidence Collection
1/16 - Community Meeting - no TA
1/16-17 - Maura grading support in library 3pm
1/19 - No TA - special guest UVM 'Hit Paws'
1/23 - TA Tuesday M3 #9
2/1 - early release - PBL  work
2/2 - In- Service PBL  work
3/22 & 23 - Conferences &
    In- Service PBL  work


Happy Holidays
Happy Birthday: Karsten Weiss (12/21), Alyssa Kuney (12/22)


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