December 4

Awesome Winter Ball dance - check out the 'Cupid Shuffle' on the right - as Rebecca said, how many schools in Vermont would have the entire student turn out doing one dance all together?! Way to go PA and chaperones (Averill, Bill C, Mary, Rebecca, Marc, Sheila T) and Reeves for organizing, set-up, and clean up. 

I'm sure many of you are aware of a flurry of op-ed articles in the local papers recently related to Proficiency Based Learning (PBL) and our mastery reporting system. Sheila T thoughtfully placed one in your mail box a few weeks ago. Some of these articles are supportive, some are not. This is to be expected during any transition process. If you read these articles, I imagine that you agreed and disagreed with various parts depending on who you are and your understanding of the PBL. This is also to be expected. We are going to disagree on many things throughout this process and work through it...this is part of what is going to make the final products awesome. We aren't there yet, but we are making great progress.

Rebecca Holcombe, the Vt Secretary of Education, recently offered her own op-ed on the current state of PBL in VT . Here is Rebecca Holcombe's letter. I find it to be helpful, thoughtful, and supportive. Best of all, in the final link that she provides in her letter, PA teachers and students are highlighted! I've been saving this video clip (below) for the 'right' time to share with all of you. I've delayed far too long. The focus of the PA segment is on Marc and Kate's Socrates Cafe class from last year. It is both an example of their great work, but as you listen closely to the students, it also hints at the growth that we've made and is worth celebrating. I hope some day we can all talk about this clip. It is thought provoking and a showcase of our progress all in one. Our students speak in the very beginning, and you can scroll to minute 11 to see the section on Marc and Kate's Socrates class from last semester. Definitely worth your time!

This Week's (other) Link: 

CONNECT60 - please consider donating to the Genocide Class project.

Language & Culture Camp Immersion

PA and Stowe are looking for site coordinators and teachers for a Summer Adventure Learning Camp in collaboration with Spiral International. The site coordinator would be responsible for planning 2 weeks of camp activities between PA and Stowe, as well as finding Vermont student volunteers to help run the camp and host families for the visiting cohort of approximately 25 Chinese high school students. Collaborating teachers will work with the site coordinator to run educational activities during the 2-week camp. Both coordinators and teachers will be paid a stipend for their work. Contact Mairead at for more information!

12/5 In-Service Schedule 
- 8-12 - ALiCE training

Fond memories of Sunny Circles
- 12:45-1:25 OPTIONAL Wellness Activities
               Yoga - Library
               Walk - meet at front outdoor steps by library
               Art - meet in Averill's room

- 1:30     ALiCE Circle Debrief

- 2:00     Mastery View Overview with Val in Auditorium

- 2:30-4  Individual Time (complete Q2 rosters, revisions to term narratives, Q2 Proficiency Target Classroom Poster, 'student below target' worksheets)

- 2:30-4  Optional Sessions
      - Schoology with Val - bring your questions (library)
      - Enriching Classroom Support (library lab)
      - Flextime meeting: clubs, etc.... (start in library)

Upcoming Events:

11/27 - 12/19 - Toy Drive
11/29 - Mastery Feedback at LSSU 3:15 pm
12/2 - Winter Ball
12/4 - Bernie Sanders to visit PA for 'focus group'
12/5 - In-Service
    - 8am ALiCE
    - Afternoon on PBL
12/11 & 18 - Best Practice
12/19 - Community Meeting
12/19 - Parent PBL info meeting 5:30-7pm
12/25-29 - 1st Winter Break
1/8-12 - Assessment Week (Link to Draft SCHEDULE)
1/15 - In-service LSSU
2/1 - early release

2/2 - In- Service TBD

Schoolwide Happenings: 
Students work with community partners and Peter H on reducing drug ralated imaging in stores.

Check out Lesley Schuster's secret talents!

M3 conversations in TA. 

MCAC at UVM youth summit - what will ECO Weeko bring us this year? 

New T-shirt design by Shauna Beattie - good holiday gift - for sale at your school store!

Happy Birthday: Sheila Jones (12/7)


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