May 13th - Happy Mother's Day
Play Ball - Spring sports are off and running to strong starts in all activities. |
Curriculum Camp:
Please see previous weekly notes for details on Curriculum Camp.
Reminder: There is a unique and interesting Tuesday Option at MES.
Please check Learning Spaces for details on topics and to provide feedback.
Summer School Option:
It turns out there is a funding option that can be used to support a limited amount of summer student support work. This could look like individual or small group (2-4) student 'tutoring' to support students who did not meet basic proficiency in a course. We do not have the capacity to run a summer program, but we do the ability to pay licensed teachers on an hourly rate to work with some students. Some of you have expressed interest in this work. If you are still interested or newly interested, please let the guidance office know. We know there will be some students who can benefit from this opportunity. Thanks.
5/14 - Best Practice - Senior Awards
5/14 - AP Biology Exam
5/15 - AP Calculus Exam
5/15 - TA on own
5/16 - 11th grade science field assessment
5/17 - 11th grade science field assessment
5/18 - Spring Service Fling
5/21 - Best Practice - PBL Grading
5/22 - Community Meeting
5/25 - Memorial Day Observance 10-11 (NO TA)
6/7 - Retirement Party for Sheila & Bill
- Hyde Park Fish & Game off Garfield Rd (4-8)...(see Rachel for Details)
6/11 - Final Best Practice
6/14 - Last Chapel
6/14 - Graduation Date Set
6/15 - Last day of School - Make up Exams
6/19 - Wendesday - Projected Curriculum Camp Start
8/20 - AUGUST IN- SERVICE begins
Culture Corner:
We are coming to the close of the school. There is still lots of learning and hard work to be done. This can be a hard time for students and us. Please be on the look out for unusual, suspicious or concerning behaviour. And, let us know, we want to help.
As we move through the next few weeks, it would be very helpful if we could be a united front on a few areas of student management.
1. Please take attendance early and let the office know if you are missing students, OR if you have extra students in your space.
2. If students want to be outside for classes, they should be with an adult / supervised.
3. During transitions, Flex Time, Lunch, and immediately after school, it would be helpful to have added presence in the halls, and gathering spots (like the cafeteria, library lobby, gym).
4. Consistency right now matters! Thanks for patient, and working with students experiencing end of year anxiety. If there are ways I can be helpful in keeping consistency with student expectations, please let me know.
Thanks, as always, for all of your extra attention to the small things that keep our culture strong!
Upcoming TA:
Tuesday 5/15 - On own - Academic Check In
Thursday 5/18 - No TA - Spring Fling
Tuesday 5/22 - No TA - Community Meeting
Friday 5/25 - No TA - Memorial Day Observance
Tuesday 5/29 - 8th Grade visitors - Culture Conversation
Schoolwide Happenings:
Learning to park.....via the Hot Wheels |
CSR presenting at the School Board Meeting on 5/8 |
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there. You are amazing!
We are almost complete with the various forms of standardized testing (SAT, AP, SBAC, Science Field). I want to make a special thanks to the behind the scenes folks who made all of this as smooth as possible. For SBAC and Science Field Janet, Karen P, and Bill S did a ton of thoughtful work to understand the new systems and worked diligently to schedule the many moving parts and prepare all of the technology. Sheila J, Carrie, and Lindsey also work hard and thoughtfully to execute the first ever on campus SAT and to making the AP's all work out (well, we're almost there). Thanks also to all of you teachers and para's who helped to prepare and manage students prior to and during the testing. Thank you !!
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