January 14 - DOUBLE issue

PA Nordic skiers pausing for a rare break in the storm last week.

These notes are for the next two weeks. There will not be a weekly notes next week.

During Best Practice this week we will begin some intentional work and discussion around 'Equity Literacy'. Equity Literacy encompasses a lot of ideas and intentions. Our work will explore the definition, implications, and importance of Equity Literacy. I believe that 'equity literacy' is important work for schools to engage in deeply and I think it connects directly to much of what we do. Hopefully, I can help you see these connections. I also believe that we have done a lot of intentional work in this area, but haven't named it. I think that there is a lot of good learning and growth for PA when thinking about equity.  I look forward to the work and hope that you bring your usual open, thoughtful, and creative selves to this work.

Schoology Listening Tour

Thank you for the time and feedback that you shared with us about Schoology. Maura and I very much appreciate your time, insights, and ideas. We appreciate all that you said and know that it will helpful with next steps both this Spring and in the future.

The goal of the 'Tour' was to hear from both you and students to learn more about and see/ideas of things that will lead to a clear system of feedback that makes sense to students, families and teachers. We talked to almost all of you and hope to hear a bit more from students. In the coming weeks, we will communicate with all of you about what we learned and what we think should happen next. I am also planning to start using Schoology more with our work together so that I can become more knowledgeable and useful with our work moving forward. Thanks again.


Image result for grading

Grading Reminders: 
Jan 7 - Narratives DUE
Jan 18 - Due date for weight sheets to Janet
Jan 25 - LSSU deadline for grades completed in PowerTeacherPro
*Jan 18 - recommended complete grading date

Overall Quarter 2/Semester Timeline


If you are interested in becoming an online instructor via VTVLC, please see me. There is a free opportunity coming up this Spring that would pay for the certification. If you have questions about what it's like to be a VTVLC instructor, Trevor can help.



   1/14 - Last day of Semester
   1/14 - Best Practice 3pm
   1/14-19 - No TA this week
   1/21 - LSSU In-Service @ PA

   ** 1/22 ** Period 2 - please set aside some time to have your students sign up for flex

   1/22 - Community Meeting TA
   1/28 - Best Practice 3pm
   1/31- *PA Vermont Writes Day
   2/1 - LSSU In-Service
   2/19 - TA YRBS survey during TA/Flex
   2/25-3/5 - Winter Break
   3/9 - Science Olympiad @ UVM
   3/14 & 15 - One Act plays in Aud 7pm
    4/9 - Spring Concert 7pm

TA this week:
   Tuesday(1/15): No TA

   Friday(1/18): No TA

  Tuesday (1/22): Community Meeting

This week's links: 
Amazing Fitness Score

Based on feedback from last year, mastery reports are now available to view through PowerSchool. Here are the directions to view a student’s mastery reports online.  Please note that all parents K-12 will also have access to view mastery reports through PowerSchool and in the next couple of weeks we will be providing information and reminders to them about how to access the mastery reports.

SBAC & PowerSchool Letter that will be sent home with Mastery Report

*PA Vermont Writes Day
Vermont Writes Day This is the day when everyone stops what they're doing to WRITE for just seven minutes. Young Writers Project honors writing in several ways, and this day is one in which we are all invited to participate. Let's write together on January 31st! More details will be provided as we get closer!
(The statewide day in 2/1, but we do not have school that day, so they are opening the site for us on 1/31/)
Schoolwide Happenings:
Students at the "Our Voices Exposed Against Tobacco (OVX)" summit at Lake Morey

TA culture building at Thompson's for lunch....focused on the importance of doing something fun especially when things get stressful.


And the beat goes on.......at Winter Ball.  

Just 3% Away!

Happy Birthday: Rita Angione (1/16)


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