January 7 - Looks like winter again!

I think winter is much nicer with fresh snow all around us. 

Good luck this week. I hope your classes wrap up in positive and celebratory ways. 

If you have not already read the latest posts from LSSU (See Below), please take some time to do so prior to next week's Best Practice meeting. During Best Practice on Monday we'll get up to speed on what to expect with in-service this winter and we will do an activity related to prepping for January 21st. 

Learning Spaces

The Source



   1/7 - META
    1/8 - Leadership Team, 
Image result for funny vermont nordic skiing
               Reeves' Room 3pm
   1/14 - Last day of Semester
   1/14 - Best Practice 3pm
   1/14-19 - No TA this week
   1/21 - LSSU In-Service @ PA
   2/1 - LSSU In-Service
   2/19 - TA YRBS survey during TA/Flex
   2/25-3/5 - Winter Break
   3/9 - Science Olympiad @ UVM
   3/14 & 15 - One Act plays in Aud 7pm
    4/9 - Spring Concert 7pm

TA this week:
   Tuesday: On your Own - prep for final week of semester

   Friday: NO TA - extended Flex

  Following week there is NO TA

Schoolwide Happenings:
   These are mostly pictures from December that I didn't get a chance to post last week. 

Silent (sort of) Great Gatsby Exhibition in Rachel Duffy's English class. 

Starting to play with some of your ideas.....don't look to closely, it's just ideas. 

Students at the Statewide Personalized Learning Expo prior to break.  

The annual 'Chemistry Ball', no formal attire required. 

Schoology Listening Tour photo and thanks/with update
I forgot to share this beauty last week. FYI - Crystal won and honorable mention went to the Science Dept. 

Happy Birthday: None this week


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