January 28 - A New Semester Begins...

The case of the disappearing school, it appears it will continue this week. 

Thanks for your ideas and energy with our work on Equity & Scholarly Habits last Monday. Lots of thoughtful feedback and ideas for next steps were presented. We will jump back into the work on Friday. Kate, Averill and I will have Final TA scripts, concrete directions, and a new scale ready to go!

Schoology Listening Tour Update: 

Thanks again for your time and feedback on your use of Schoology. I am presenting a list of ideas and next steps to the Leadership Team on Tuesday. Then, in early February, I show you a plan for next steps to increase clarity on how we communicate feedback to students and parents in early February. In the meantime, look for the opportunity to sign up with Maura during Friday's in-service day on how to use of Mastery within Schoology.


   1/22 - Community Meeting TA
   1/28 - Best Practice 3pm
   1/29 - Leadership Team Meeting 3pm
   2/1 - LSSU In-Service
   2/19 - TA YRBS survey during TA/Flex
   2/25-3/5 - Winter Break
   3/9 - Science Olympiad @ UVM
   3/14 & 15 - One Act plays in Aud 7pm
    4/9 - Spring Concert 7pm

TA this week:
   Tuesday 1/29:  Climate Survey Reflection

   Friday 2/1 : No TA - In-service


Peoples Academy senior Cami Lowcock and high school art teacher Averill McDowell stand before some of the 23 banners created by art students, featuring people who make up the Morrisville community.This week's link: 
Check out PA in the news- Morrisville School Highlights Local Fugures!!!


Schoolwide Happenings:
VPR interview on the banner project.
Here is the full story
Art final Exibition

Scenes from finals week

PA 9th graders Tiffany & Facilitating two Umatter classes with students from all over Vermont. The topic in fixed vs. Growth mindset. Classroom is at VTC.

Restorative Circles on school/classroom culture with 9th graders.

Congrats to Kate Toland and her team of educators from 'Greater Burlington' who were recently awarded an international 2018 RCE (Regional Center of Expertise) Award at the Global RCE Conference held in Cebu, Philippines. The UN developed RCE program is focused on Education for Sustainable Development.   Kate team's project, called 'Cultivating Pathways to Sustainability', received the designation of 'Flagship Project' in the category of Quality Education. 

Congrats to the following students who were accepted and attended the Castleton Music Festival on January 25th: Colin Lane, Megan Kimball, Eli Smith, Alex Johnson, Gabby White, Lena Boudreau, Celia Culcleasure, Lindsay McCormack, Lexy Dambach, Zach Rodger, Greer Southall

From a recent game....

Happy Birthday: Natalie Soffen (1/25), Chris Walsh (1/31)


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