April 8 - almost break time.....

Image result for sunrise
It's coming.....

Good luck this week and hang in there, Spring break is on it's way and sunny warm days are soon to follow.

Speaking of this week, as you know, the week prior to break can be more challenging than usual for some of our students. Please do what you can to be present in the hallways during transitions, on the look for unusual behavior, and report any concerns or worries to guidance or Phil/Rebecca. We will all need a little extra patience this week. Thanks in advance.



   4/8 - Best Practice - Scholarly Habits
Maybe you'll find some of this stuff during your break?!

    4/9 - Spring Concert 7pm
   4/22 -  Best Practice 
   4/23 - Community Meeting 
   4/24 - Spring Art Show
   5/6-10 - PE Assessment
   5/17 - Faces of our Community Culminating day of Service and Celebration - Lot's of fun and learning await....
   5/22-23 - Science Assessment for 11th graders


Image result for they**This week's Link: 
  Food for Thought: 


It's that time of year!
TA this week:

Tuesday: On your Own

Friday:  On your Own 

Culture Corner Update: 

When we return from break, we plan to have a whole school conversation in TA about strategies, such as, use of Flex Time, to encourage academic success and meeting targets by the end of the school year. This will be designed both as kind of a 'pep talk', but also as a reminder that there is time and ways to both excel and catch up and get on target.

In support of this, can you please:
    1. Continue to call back students to your Flex
    2. Take time to sign up and follow up with your Advisees during TA
    3. Take attendance during Flex as soon as possible and let Michele know of missing students
    4. Promptly ask students that are not assigned to your Flex to leave your space (and let Michele know that you had an extra)

Schoolwide Happenings: 

Dystopia class is making their own 'Escape Rooms'....you have to ask them for an explanation - looks hard and fun. 
Teen Lit Mob 2019

Some cool projects are emerging in 9th grade integrated science.
Reinforcing and building understanding

More 'signs' of our welcoming student body; the sign reads 'welcome'  in Nepalese....we have 2 new students from Nepal arriving on Monday!!


Way to go Aidan Lodge '19 for recently helping to facilitate a statewide forum on PBL held last week in Montpelier. Aiden led more than 90 professionals (including the secretary of Ed and president of Vt NEA) in discussion and activity around PBL topics and progress around the state.

Happy Birthday: Jim Calhoun (4/17)


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