May 13 - Faces of the Community WEEK!

Friday's Schedule - service to performance to parade to lunch to scavenger hunt

We have a big day coming up on Friday. The day represents the culmination of lots of work, creativity, and partnerships that came from many, many students and adults in our sphere of influence. Friday will be a great day to share and celebrate some of things that make PA and Morrisville a great place. The service work and 'Faces of the Community' project will show a few ways that we interact with our community. Numerous people will be joining in on the fun and watching. Please enjoy this moment of celebration and help us make things go as smoothly as possible. Thanks in advance for your energy and awareness throughout the day.
 And, HUGE thanks to Averill, Carrie, Moira and the Creative Schools Initiative for making this unique day even possible. You worked hard and we will all benefit. 

Below is the agenda for the day: 

8:00 -10:45 TA for attendance, then groups to gather, then service
First 15 minutes gather in groups  
Community Service
Back by 10:45

11:00-12:15 Faces of our Community Meeting

12:15 Walk to Oxbow through town  

12:30-2:00 Lunch / Music Performance

2:00 Instructions and break into groups
2:10 - 2:30 Town-wide scavenger hunt  - on the walk back to school
2:30 - 2:45 Close the day in TA- take attendance, clean up

One way to beat the rain is to embrace it. These DE students are working on their 'how to change a tire' the rain. 

   5/13 - Best Practice  - senior awards in Reeve's room
   5/14 - AP Calc Exam
 5/17 - Faces of our Community Culminating day of Service and Celebration - Lot's of fun and learning await....
   5/22 - PA National Honor Society Induction 7pm
   5/22-23 - Science Assessment for 11th graders
   5/23-25 - Spring Show - Philadelphia Story   7pm
   5/28-29 - Final Independent Studies presentations 8-2pm (Aud)
   5/31 - FINAL TA
   6/11-12 - Final Exhibition of Learning Week
   6/13 - Last Chapel and Graduation!!!
   6/14 - Complete Grades - They are Due this day
   6/17 - In-Service at PA - Grade verification, plus....
   6/18 - In -Service at PA - Looking forward....
   6/19-21 - Curriculum Camp at SHS
   6/.....byond - 2 camp days to plan on your own with a team

This week's Link: 

Learning Spaces: Learning Management System Review and Update

Tuesday:Service Project Sign up (link coming)- review of Faces of the Community Project and day long schedule
 - Flex sign up

Friday:  No TA this Friday or next Friday (Memorial Observance)

Culture Corner Update:

Image result for sleepy studentWe're at that time of year when some students begin to lose their momentum with learning and patience with our systems. Please keep an eye out for students who are struggling in various ways and let guidance know what you're seeing. Many of our students need extra encouragement this time of year. Good news, you are awesome at motivating students! Keep it going.... 

Schoolwide Happenings 
Learning Cricket

All State Parade at Montpelier HS - looking good Dan!
Fitnessgram, the newest installment of mandated testing. Kind of looks like they are having fun?!

Congrats to Grace at TedX 

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Birthday: Jeff Brynn (5/11) Kim Laidlaw (5/19)


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