May 6 - You are appreciated!

Thank you!  I'm very thankful that you all are teaching our students and representing Peoples Academy. The students and parents at PA also very much appreciate you (thought they may not always show it). They tell me often. I am regularly reminded of your kindness, warmth, support, thoughtfulness, and creativity. We've been on quite a ride the past few years (with more to go...) and while it's been bumpy at times, you have kept the ship moving forward and safe. Thank you! 



   5/6-10 - PE Assessment
   5/6 - Little League Opening night
   5/6 - AP Enviro Science Exam
   5/7 - Teacher Appreciation Day
   5/8 - AP English Exam
   5/9 - AP Chem Exam
   5/9 - Stowe TEDx - PA represents!
   5/10 - AP Art Exam
   5/13 - Best Practice 
   5/14 - AP Calc Exam
 5/17 - Faces of our Community Culminating day of Service and Celebration - Lot's of fun and learning await....
   5/22 - PA National Honor Society Induction 7pm
   5/22-23 - Science Assessment for 11th graders
   5/23-25 - Spring Show - Philadelphia Story   7pm
   5/28-29 - Final Independent Studies presentations 8-2pm (Aud)

This week's Link: 

Quarter 4 timeline   We will dedicate Best Practice time on 5/20 to help you organize and plan ahead.

Tuesday: Academic Check in - On Your Own

Friday:  Service Project Sign up (link coming)- review of Faces of the Community Project and day long schedule
       - Flex sign up

Culture Corner Update:(repeat)

Please remember to check your advisees Flex Scheduling. 

Also, when taking classes outside please be sure to have clear expectations about boundaries, participation, etc. Thanks.

Schoolwide Happenings 

More practice for the Faces of the Community Project presentation

PA students at the annual self advocacy conference called: Voices and Choices conference. 

More PA students at an Upward Bound STEM conference at Clinton Comm College - Emilee (left) was on the news. 


Happy Birthday: Mary Bell  (5/7), Michele Walker (5/10)


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