April 20 - The downhill roll is about to begin....

Entering Morrisville on Randolph Road 

Welcome back and thank you for your adaptability, hard work, and commitment to excellence. We've got eight weeks to go. There is still time and opportunity to make a difference with our students. You can do this, we can do this. Good luck and thank you for your strength.

The VPA sends you their thanks: Supporting Learners and Leaders

Q4 update/end of year

The HS Admin Team (Val, Maura, Gretchen (SHS) and Phil) have been meeting to discuss how to thoughtfully represent Q4, Semester 2, year long course grading & learning. Our next meetings are Monday AM and then Tuesday. I expect to have ideas & decisions to share with you (and students and families) soon. 

TA Schedule changes

Thank you for your feedback on the timing of TA. Based on the feedback, I'm making one change and one recommendation/clarification for TA during Quarter 4. 

Starting this week, On FRIDAY only, TA will be placed in the 10:45-11:30 schedule slot. This is an effort to increase participation. You do not need to use the entire time. 

If your TA is meeting at a different time on Tuesday or Friday and it's working, don't change anything. The important things to consider about your meeting time are that TA:

   - needs to happen on Tuesday & Friday
   - should maximize participation/attendance
   - should not disrupt another part of the schedule or your student's schedule 

TA this week: 

Student Home Learning Art Work

Tuesday (9:15): 
Announcements &  Kahoot

Friday (10:45): 
Announcements & TBD TA Challenge

Other days - Reach out 1:1 or small group to check in on your advisees and see if they need anything. Report to Michele or a guidance counselor if you are concerned about a student. 



4/20 - Best Practice 3-3:45pm  
4/27 - Best Practice TBD
5/4 - META meeting? 
5/11 - Best Practice TBD

WEEKENDS like they used to be...
(I encourage you to not assign work during the weekend)

END OF YEAR - Guidance from the Governor & AOE about end of the year on things like graduation, sports, etc will be out by May 8

Optional: Pick a date and invite Phil (or a colleague) into your classroom hangouts. I'd love to see what you are doing and stay connected with the students. 


This week's links

LSUU One stop shop for COVID-19 related health information (added to the PA Handbook for School Dismissal)

TED Talk on Teaching for Better Humans 2.0

Integrating VT-PBS into your classroom

See Tech Updates below or go to: Tech Playbook


The annual 'This is April in Vt' photo

Happy Birthday: Chris Player (4/20)


The links will also be posted on the Tech Playbook site

  • This guide is for teachers and principals to walk you through the steps of setting up and joining a Google Meet, helpful tips about how to use the interface and how to record a session. NOW includes more about denying or removing unwanted participants.
  • This guide is for teachers who may need or want to record a session that includes students.
  • This is an internal guide for how tech support will support requests for printing at home.  Not to be distributed directly to families. Reminder to teachers - please do not encourage printing at home.
  • This is a reminder of the process for requesting new apps, platforms or websites. 


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