November 6 - Please complete the short survey


The more things change, the more the sky looks the same, or not? - Thanks Lesley and Rita for getting the observatory up and open to the public! you were rewarded with a perfect night! 

A message about Holidays and Travel: 

As we approach the next wave of holidays, I know that family and travel are on people's minds. You are probably thinking about your own family, traditions and desires to see loved ones. You're likely wondering about the plans of your students and their families and how it might affect you. And, of course, you are thinking about each other. 

This topic is hard, really hard. There is no right answer and any decision to travel or not to travel, to mix or not to mix is kind of a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't". This topic has the potential to challenge our staff and community culture. I urge you to exercise your compassion and understanding when considering the choices of others and yourself during this time period. 

As a system, LSUU is not planning to arrange for any additional remote learning days around the holidays, nor will we be changing our quarantine protocols for students or staff. The message we are sending to you and families is to avoid travel and small gatherings beyond those in your 'trusted pod'.  These are two big factors in spreading COVID. We will ask families to report their travel plans to us and to follow proper guidelines. Please consider any travel/gathering plans in the context of our state’s guidance.  If you do plan to travel, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how to do it safely and in accordance with the guidance. 

I’ve found the links below to be helpful.  They are also being shared with families in the coming weeks.  

Travel Toolkit

Travel and Quarantine

Travel & Group Gathering Guidance

Cross State Travel Advisory & Map

Other useful links related to travel: 

This Travel Safety and Screening document explains the steps we've taken and will continue to do to keep us all safe. 

The Source: Oct 27th - Scroll down to the Human Resource section on travel


This Week's Link: 

IMPORTANT: LSUU's Second School Safety and Operations Survey is live!  Your feedback is essential for our planning and decision-making!  Please follow the link and complete this survey by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 10    


Spreading Good vibes



11/11 In-service - Link to Join Welcome

This is a description for the purpose and activities for next week's in-service. In the morning Team Time, we will focus on our planning and use of student remote time. Here is a link to that meeting, I will share again next week. 

Mask Breaks: Students continue to ask for mask and snack breaks. Sheila is working on adjusting our transition schedule, which will give you more class time for these things. This will come soon, but not by Monday. In the meantime, please set a specific time in your classes for brief mask breaks and remind students when and if there is an appropriate time in your class for snacking. They should not be snacking at will. 

Tech Drop-in Sessions are from 3-4 on Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's. 


Art for Social Change
11/6 - Game on - State Championship! 

11/9 & 11/10 - Climate Survey, Script & details.

11/11 - No School, LSUU Inservice, Veterans Day

          - Link to Join Welcome

11/12 - Grades Entered

11/17 - Verification Sheets Due

11/20 - Early Release (pm PD at PA)

11/25 - T-day Break Begins

11/30 - Winter Sports Start


Trying to make a change (OSA) - they newsletter is excellent, by the way

TA (Teacher Advisory) 

9/16 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite

    - Activity....


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Driver Ed midterm - complete with hot wheels car

Stand Up Algebra

Congrats to Nate with the winning Mouse Trap car in Physics

AP Environmental taking advantage of some November Sunshine



DDvotes for the first time to a round of applause. 

History of Veterans Day (11/11)

World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”

WAY TO GO, VAN - 1500 phone calls to inform and encourage voters! He has some interesting stories, as he talked with people from across the country. 

Happy Birthday

Lindsey Yablonowski  Nov. 6

Eric King  Nov. 19

Julie Gravel  Nov. 19


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