January 29 - History has shown us that courage can be contagious....

Black History is American History. The history of black people and all BIPOC people in America should be recognized and taught all year long. I am happy that we have recently made strides to intentionally add more BIPOC history, exposure and discussion into our collective curriculum. This is why I feel that the Month of February presents a good opportunity for us. It is a chance for us to build on the lessons, conversations and work we have already done this year to help our students understand the importance and presence of Black History and Culture and its positive impact on their lives. There are lots of resources that we can tap into during this month to help with our efforts. 

On that note, Monday's kick off activity is postponed until Tuesday due to the weather. Thus, we will do the activity on Tuesday and Thursday.  Please reach out to Me, Dan, Margot, Lindsey, or Carrie if you have questions or want support with this activity. On Wednesday during Best Practice, we will review how the activity went and how it fits with the 3 part series.

On Monday, a brief message (recording coming soon) about BHM at PA in 2021 will be emailed to students and added to the Student HUB on Schoology. There will be no disruption to classes. The message will explain what we are doing to recognize Black History Month. 

Finally, thank you Shannon for creating this website of resources on BHM. 

and you can find more below.......


This Week's Link(s): 

From the director of Good Trouble (about John Lewis); Black History Month (BHM) should last all Year. Look for 13 things you didn't learn in school about BHM, and consider using the 12 ways to celebrate Black History all year long. 

Some more BHM Resources for your classes.



REDO PROCEDURES - Link them here please

Tech Dept: 

- Future Tech sessions are listed in the LSUU Calendar. You can add that calendar to your Google Calendar. If you don't know how, ask a colleague, lots of us know how. 

- Tech resources from the 1/18 inservice day have been added to the LSUU Tech Playbook for EdPuzzle, Newsela, and Kami.

Apple has a series of free teacher PD sessions starting on 1/26/2021 and running for the next 7 Tuesdays from 5 pm to 6 pm. There is more information and links to register HERE.


2/2 - Period 1: Black  History Month (BHM) Activity 1

Gotta love triangles...

2/3 - Best Practice  (Theme: Black History Month)

2/4 - Period 1: Black  History Month (BHM) Activity 1

2/5 - In-Service

2/18-19 - Winter Carnival 

2/22-26 - Winter Break


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity: TA video message & announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Check out the Smart Board - Trevor is up to some good remote/in-person connecting

A new semester, a new class, a full room! (US History)

All in the Family: Marc and cousin (sub) in Biology 



The return of winter sports competition is upon - perhaps a positive sign for the future

Happy Birthday

Chris Walsh  Jan 31

Steve Hudak  Feb. 2


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