2/5 - Snow, snow and more snow.....it must be February!


Thanks for helping to keep the FIRE burning = Hope, Strength and Inclusion at PA! 


This Week's Link(s): 

The question about 'what to say' has come up a few times recently for staff and students. I borrowed the article below from one of Dorienne's assignments to share with you. It's very helpful. 

'....are you confused about whether to say Black, POC, African American, and don’t want to get it wrong? Me too. This article helped me better understand which terms I might want to use.'



Creative Conversations: devoted to unpacking the five laws of learning described in my blogpost, Trust the Science: Using brain-based learning to upgrade our educational OS. That blog includes three collections of tiered and timely resources. 


2/4-7 - Mountain Film Festival

2/8-9 - BHM Activity #2 (PERIOD 4)

2/10- Best Practice  (Theme: Be my Valentine)

2/18-19 - Winter Carnival 

2/22-26 - Winter Break


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity - TA Challenge (riddles), Short Video, Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Dolan leads BHM Activity #1 

Sketching the Crime Scene in Forensics

Making the most of the light in CC Algebra

Making the most of the light in Physics

Making the most of the light! Carr leads Activity #1



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