February 12 - Don't forget your pajamas...


Thank you Kate T and all for helping to organize Winter Carnival. I look forward to seeing you all out there enjoying the snow and our students. And, don't forget to wear your pajamas - and you can do it twice next week!!

Winter Carnival Schedule and Assignments


This Week's Link(s): 

Fun and inspiring COVID Song from our local music star: Jon Gailmor (if you don't know him, he sometimes substitutes in PA and does a lot with music for local kids)

AND - check out what his PA Alum son is up to



It's that time again! We want to hear from you regarding health and safety practices in LSUU. Please complete our 3rd School Safety and Operations Survey before Friday, February 19. Your responses are anonymous and really helpful!


2/17                Best Practice, 8:00 am Theme: (For me, February Break looks like....)

2/18 & 2/19    Winter Carnival    

2/22 - 3/1        February Break, No School

3/2                  Town Meeting Day, Office Closed

To View - click me

 Click here for: Full Athletics Schedule and Live Stream Access!!!!


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity: Short video announcements; short fun TA Challenge, Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

A handful of the many submissions



Congratulations to our Nordic Team!  
PA placed four skiers in the top six to win the girls' skate-race event hosted by U-32 last week.  Congrat to Anna Isselhardt, Linden Osborne, Gabbie Schaffer, and Phoenix Masten on a great start to the season.

Happy Birthday

Kristen Connelly  Feb. 20

Reeves Larson  Feb. 22

Matt Yoskowitz  Mar. 2


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