May the 4th be with You


PA staff - showing appreciation for others

May 4th is not only International Star Wars Day (unofficially), this year  it is also and most importantly, TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY and this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. 

Thank you for being awesome and amazing! The success, growth, and learning that has occurred throughout the pandemic is because of you (and not just teachers - our entire staff!). Your courage, dedication, and tireless work has carried our entire community. Because of your essential and unselfish effort many students and families have something to look forward to and a place to feel welcome and inspired. The kindness and flexibility you've offered has likely saved lives, certainly countless spirits.  

Thank you - you are appreciated!!!


This Week's Link(s): 

ANGST - There is a community event and viewing of this important hour long film on May 6th from 5-7. The viewing will be followed by a discussion, partly facilitated by our own CHRIS PLAYER!




1- Inside Masking - Indoor guidance for masking has only changed

I'm taking orders for personalized Prom masks

and is virtually the same for adults. In particular, we need to continue to wear masks when we are inside the building at all times, other than when you are alone in your classroom/office eating or filming a virtual lesson. (regardless of your vaccination status)

2 - Outside Masking - Until we hear otherwise, we are sticking with the same outside masking expectations that we have gone with all year. If you and students are at least 6 feet apart, masks can come off. I do anticipate guidance changing on this, but until then......

I realize there are times when students are outside, with their mask off and closer than 6 feet together (especially when students are together for less a 15 minutes). They are not going to be perfect and neither are we. But, we need to do the best we can to avoid improper distancing and enforce the above expectations until we hear otherwise. 


Support our Seniors

Who wants to support our amazing PA seniors and also have a chance at winning an
amazing prize?? With each donation to PA Project Graduation 2021 you will be entered into our raffle with a chance to win some amazing prizes graciously donated by our wonderful community. 

Here’s how to donate...come by our tent set up in the Morristown Municipal parking lot (by MOCO) on Saturday May 1st 10-2or drop your donation off to Gianna or Michele in the office (by this Friday, April 30th) Drawing will be Saturday May 1st @ 2:00. 


5/3-5/7  Math SBAC Testing

5/5    Best Practice   Theme: The Month of May

5/10  AP Exams Begin

5/12    Last Chapel Faculty Awards Due

5/28 - Memorial Day Observance - 11am, short video

5/31 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Activity: Short Video & Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Spanish & Art & Equity: Spanish student Makayla W working on an art project called a "muneca sin rostro", a felted doll with no face from the Dominican Republic. It has no face because it represents the union of three races: Native, African, and European. The student will give an oral presentation to the class explaining the history behind this after break, but is just having fun in this moment. 

Spring Sports are alive and kicking. 

Thank you for your creative show of support and jubilance (pictured here and below)

We're down the homestretch with SBAC. Thank you all for your patience and diligence - especially TARAH and KAREN P for handling the logistics. 



Congratulations Mark & thank you Michele for helping to coordinate the completion of another excellent yearbook. 

Happy Birthday

May 5  Mary Bell

May 10  Michele Walker

May 11  Jeff Brynn

May 11 Kyle Adams


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