November 5 - Daylight savings this weekend


As the sun set on Quarter 1 last week, you and students were already gearing up and moving on. Thanks for your diligence to get your grades in on time and your flexibility with the process. I continue to see interesting, fun, and awesome things happening in your classrooms. I often find myself eager to follow up with you and your students about what they are learning. See below for more details....


We aren't in crisis, but you may be feeling tired & worn out
This Week's Link(s): 

Do you remember the video below? Do you remember when we showed it to you? 

Rationing your Energy



We will administer the Climate Survey on November 9th during TA.  Please review the Climate Survey Directions and let us know if you have any questions.  

If you haven't already, please take a second to complete this survey HERE issued by the AOE. This is for ALL FACULTY AND STAFF and will be used to determine our overall vaccination rate by school which will be shared publicly on the state's website. 

November 11th In-service schedule will be as follows:

7:30                 FREE BREAKFAST in Cafe

8:00-10:30   Virtual Marzano Training 

10:30-12:00    Building PA Focus building off Marzano work

12:00-1:00     Lunch & Wellness Break (FREE LUNCH in Cafe)

1:00-4:00      Facilitated Equity Work

Please note that this in-service day will be at PA and all faculty members are required to be in the building for the day.  Paraeducators, attendance is optional and paid for, come for some or all of the day.


11/8 - Best Practice   3pm Library  Focus on Culture of Learning

11/9 - Climate Survey Administered

11/11 - In-Service

11/15 -  Best Practice

11/16 - Community Meeting during TA time

Architecture Tryptic
11/18-20 - 7pm Drama Live Performance in Auditorium

11/24-26 - Thanksgiving Break

12/3 - Early Release

12/24-31 - First Winter Break

Athletic Calendar - No sports this week

Winter Sports practices start on 11/29


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Climate Survey Script ;Announcements

Friday: New Take Down Challenge; Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Hands on math in Statistics

Karaoke in Biology....something to do with good effort....

Learning to communicate Mesopotamian style in World History

Life Rescue Skills in Health Class

Algebra Word Puzzle



Celebrating Atomic/Scholarly Habits work 

Happy Birthday

Julie Gravel  Nov. 19


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